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Everything posted by toldozer

  1. I really think most of the team was not happy Rapinoe was gifted a spot on the team Much less getting playing time. She came in and took every set piece even though she has jelly for legs, effectively nullifying all of them. She blew two chances to put the ball on frame then I knew she was going to air mail the pk because the only way she was going to get enough power was to airmail it. She was great 4 and 8 years ago but her presence on this team was a joke and I think all the other players knew it
  2. Coach should be fired tomorrow. Rapinoe was awful against sorry vietnam. What made you think it was a good idea to bring her on. Embarrassing
  3. Yeah they both looked like they were in molasses to me
  4. The Saudis are sitting on trillions and trillions of dollars. Means nothing to them. I do wonder what will happen to all that wealth if electric vehicles eventually become the norm
  5. Did you actually have it appraised pre listing. Usually you don't get anything but bad news. Run the comps get it listed and let the buyers find out about the appraisal after they've already committed funds.
  6. 13 bucks for a regular size sub... fug you jersey mikes
  7. Was at the game. I wanted to punch number 9 in the face for that bullshit flop. Definitely some straight up assholes on that team. We stopped attacking in the second half. It should have been worse.
  8. What's the per hour ratio on this deal
  9. Simplify? Wouldn't we need to have tactics first? There never seems to be a plan of attack outside of trying attack the wings and put in shitty cross after shitty cross. Heaven forbid any creativity
  10. Pretty sure we played at Clemson the first 2 seasons
  11. Weren't they also having issues getting it trademarked? So anyone could just rip it off to sell merch with 0 repercussions
  12. The couple times I've had a Cajun filet biscuit the past few years the chicken has been about as thin as it can be. Mostly just breading and a dry ads biscuit
  13. Fast food is basically the same price as casual dining now. I think you think it's not as good because you're spending 15 bucks instead of 8
  14. If you haven't heard his rap song from his hurricanes days you should really give it a listen.
  15. This is what you get when you appease the players because the manager hurt their feelings
  16. That was God awful to watch. They got WORKED the entire first half. We have no creation from the midfield, our defense is beyond terrible and we don't have any finishers. The entire roster can go for all I care. And losertanzio can drive the bus taking them all out of town.
  17. Sign me up for that goofy looking son of a bitch. I'd take fuging liangelo over bouknight
  18. Yeah I had a dolphin but it stopped working. It also never really got the fine particles out which is what I struggle with anyway. Still blue today but the shock I ordered won't be here till Saturday so hopefully it stays good at least 2 more days. I'm at 72 pounds of shock in 6 weeks lol but when it got a bit green I did go through 20 pounds getting it back. My daughter loves to get in every single day so it's definitely worth all the hassle.
  19. Yeah it's been two years of learning for me. Definitely don't recommend a 40 year old pool go anyone lol
  20. 5 weeks down and it's still swimmable! I have to stay on it ALL THE TIME and it blows through shock like nobodies business. When I have it replastered next year I'm going to have to get the main drain fixed and add a second skimmer. I have to vacuum to waste weekly then refill and shock the poo out of it because the current single skimmer on 45000 gallons cannot keep it remotely clean
  21. My dog is afraid of everything!! We have used trazadone (a little helpful) colcalm (sp?) Not helpful at all. He's on fluoxetine and it's been really helpful for him. He slept through all the fireworks this year and normally he's shaking under my legs. We've been using this gum gel called sileo when we know there's going to be loud noises a head of time but we didn't use it on Friday because we didn't expect people to still be shooting off fireworks and he still did fine. He will jump in our pool and fetch his toys now too but we did buy him a life jacket as well
  22. Averaging the second most fans per match at 35k yeah seems like they made the right choice. No one cares about Raleigh my guy.
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