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Everything posted by unicar15

  1. If there is anything the last 2-3 game have shown me it’s that Darnold is a MID-tier QB. Which admittedly is better than he was at the Jets. But there is no hope imo of him being a guy who can carry a max contract. He has to have ALLLL the pieces around him. Then the question becomes…who is the last team to have a QB like that and go to a Super Bowl? I guess it would be the Goff Rams (lost) and the Eagles (flash in the pan can’t count on that).
  2. Literally the only thing that matters for the rest of our season is if CMC comes back. Even if we win this game..if he doesn’t come back the season is probably going nowhere. If we lose this game and he DOES come back there is hope. So in grand scheme of things probably need the win for end of season jockeying. But if CMC is gonna pull a “2020” then none of it matters anyway.
  3. The blindside of that line looks brutal. They’re going to have to make a move either in season or after to shore it up. In the meantime….we need to hope CMC can stay healthy all year. Bc honestly I think that the real reason we didn’t prioritize highly drafted OL or FA is bc they were hoping the quality of perimeter weapons SD has to play with will trump the deficiencies. CMC showed in first couple games his availability hides a lot of problems. Need him to be healthy….
  4. Well…Scherff, Armstead, Brown, Kelce will all be free agents this off-season. Sign a couple of them and maybe we can take the next step.
  5. If Rhule and Fitterer know that Henderson and Gilmore will be available via trade do they draft Slater instead of Horn? Then the question becomes…If you gave up a 3rd for Henderson mid-season would you have been better off giving up a pre-draft 2022 2nd and using 2021 1st on Slater? Seems like the classic conundrum of “which elite player is more valuable…OT or CB?” I think the answer is obvious. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I love Horn and think when he comes back healthy he’s going to be a pro-bowl DB. But the thought that we could have had Slater, Henderson, Gilmore is painful right now. Yikes.
  6. Welp. Perhaps it’s bc in order to run a double move or a stutter you have to have more than 1.2 seconds before pressure is in your face. Throws like that require distance and accuracy. Distance and accuracy require time. Give Darnold time…you will get more double moves. We’re a year away bc we tried spent another year building the D.
  7. Controlling the LOS is the key to winning. It allows Darnold to take his time. It allows the receivers to win matchups. It allows the RB gain easy yards. It’s absolutely the key. We just can’t do it right now on offense the last two weeks. So we lose.
  8. The last two games highlight that CMC is more valuable than anyone thought with a QB like Darnold. We need everyone to be completely healthy or he’s not gonna perform well with a mediocre supporting cast. The question becomes…if he can’t support with anything less than pro bowlers around him is he worth a contract extension or should we continue to explore possibilities like Wilson or Watson (assuming he is acquitted)?
  9. Well he’s currently calling a game with maybe the worst OL in the league and a rookie RB who has 100 yards. Guys need to make plays…
  10. Pretty obvious they’re trying to make our run game beat them. They’re giving Chubba whatever he wants and letting their line tee off. Our OL is killing us this game….
  11. We’re gonna get a big time OL. I can feel it. Interestingly, Lane Johnson has been out for a “personal matter.” If we smoke the Eagles and they fall to 1-4…could they be in “blow it up and make room under the cap” contender? I think so and an OT who has had some questionable injuries in the past and is out for personal reasons could be ripe for a trade. Put Johnson at RT. Move Moton to LT.
  12. Someone who has been highly drafted either won’t work out or will want out….Fitterer will offer a 2nd for a 1st round talent. At least……that’s been his MO for basically every other position. I’m not sweating. Could also have enough cap room to sign a FA. Terron Armstead will be a FA this off-season and the Saints just prioritized Ramczyk. So….probably going elsewhere. Could be a solid, missing piece veteran addition and could double dip with OT in the first round.
  13. This signing is about veteran leadership and ability to produce at the same time. Idt Bouye is giving them everything they need with Jaycee out. They needed an upgrade. This is it when he’s healthy and he can mentor CJ.
  14. I think there is a big difference in “the secret being out” and getting run into by Dallas with one of your best run defenders out of the game. Zeke, Pollard and that line are maybe the best running game in the league. They just ran it on us without YGM…Idt other teams do that to us. Kamara and the Saints couldn’t. Laremy Tunsil, David Johnson and the Texans couldn’t. Just think it was a perfect storm.
  15. They hit the nail on the head with the “running into a slight D front.” That won’t be the case if we play them again and have YGM back. He was a crucial scratch for that game. If we have a full roster for that game I think we win. Hopefully we get a rematch.
  16. The officials were horrendous and if Im Tepper I am throwing every available replay, analytic at the NFL to complain about it. There are always plays they submit to the NFL that fans can’t really see. Obvious holds on the sidelines, PI, etc. Combine those typical cuts with the obvious stuff that the refs missed and I’m going to say the FO has a highlight reel to complain about. How do you fumble twice..including one with a perfect form tackle and not lose the ball? If anything the refs should have been looking at the Chinn hit and swallowing their whistle from the missed call the play before.
  17. If we’re a legit 3-1 team and our defense is as good as we thought we should win 4/5 of these games.
  18. I am a Rhule fan. But he’s got to stop trusting our kicker. Beginning of the 2nd half trying for the FG instead of punting or going for it was the wrong decision. Any longer than 50 yards is too long for our kickers. It’s sad but it’s the reality. Punt it or go for it there and try to set the D up for success or try to keep the drive going.
  19. 100+ yards and 3 TDs. When is the last time a number 1 ranked D gave up 100+ and 3 TDs to one player. I’m just curious about the absurdity of this prediction.
  20. It makes me concerned that they’re covering their bases in case Jaycee’s injury is career altering. They saw a corner that was available with very similar raw skills to Jaycee and made it happen. Could mean nothing…could eventually mean something. But I’m glad Fitterer is being proactive instead of just hoping for the best. Which is what previous execs would have done.
  21. Tommy Tremble. Let’s go. Also…when Horn comes back and we have Henderson too.
  22. Right now statistically the two best run Ds in the league. Their pass D has mediocre stats but they’ve also played Herbert and Brady…. Probably a pretty even matchup defensively. Need the backup RBs to produce so Darnold doesn’t press. I don’t like those chances.
  23. LOL at “metatarsal area” as the location. Is it tarsometatarsal? Base? Shaft? I need more than this.
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