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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. Carolina "won" because we hopefully ended up with our franchise QB. Chicago "won" because they've set themselves up to see if Fields has "it" or not. If he doesn't and they falter, high draft pick. If BY has a typical NFL rookie season, Carolina's pick could be a good one. It's possible they could get both a top QB and Harrison Jr. Both teams accomplished what they were trying to do. Whether that works out in the long run, we'll see.
  2. Depends on if I make it or not. If I order out it's usually medium well. If I make my own patties, then it's med rare/medium.
  3. Cut determines the level of cook for me. I never go above medium and that's only for a fatty ribeye. My preferred cooking method though is Pittsburgh. When I used to cook professionally, I always cringed when I got the extra well done order but they wanted it juicy. Usually that always ended up with a discussion with the server about why that wasn't going to happen.
  4. No. After a properly rested steak, even at medium rare, there should be very little juices on the plate. Any juices though I will run my steak through like a steak sauce. My steaks all have a heavy salt crust so that extra juice just absorbs right into it.
  5. I'd love to have Nuke but before we go there we need to get a edge. That's a bigger hole right now I think. If we can get a Floyd or Houston and Nuke, I'd be really happy but I don't see it happening unfortunately.
  6. Me too. Funniest thing was when I told my Dr what I had been eating and he got serious then looked at my cholesterol levels. LdL was down over 100 points. Only time I've ever heard a doctor cuss.
  7. No. Gravy is its own food group.
  8. Too many injuries. Too few scorers. Ran into a hot playoff team that everyone had written off heading into the playoffs. The only good part of all of this is the Bruins got knocked out early. I hate the fuggin Bruins.
  9. Matt Rhule era: Mac n cheese made using the noodles from the generic brand box but no sauce packet because you made extra cheesy the other night, so you grind up some old cheese balls your grandmama gave you when you were 12 that have been sitting in a zip lock bag under some old Sears catalogs before you discovered your dad's Playboy stash. Reich:
  10. Excellent. Good to see him coming in and getting right into it. It's feels so much better not relying on a T2G, Darnold or Baker.
  11. They really should. That's the one position you can't really plug and play anyone your bring in off the street. And as we saw in the NFCCG, an injury to both can happen quickly and there is no way to recover.
  12. BY should get the majority to start camp, if he's ready to take them, which he should be. AD and MC should split what's left. I would think something like a 65/15(AD)/20(MC) split. Depending on how they respond and progress or regress, adjust accordingly. Rinse and repeat.
  13. I don't know how to describe it really. The hits just look different. During the season the hits were of the we're going to physically dominate you and there's nothing you can do about it variety. This series it's just felt like they're hitting because they're supposed too. Maybe it's just me, it just looks different.
  14. It looks like all physical aggressiveness has left the team in the 1st 2 games. There's some hitting but no imposing their will like we've seen all season. Maybe it's just me, but the team just looks different.
  15. Since Darnold isn't even on the team I'd say he already has him beat.
  16. Kind of like what happened when we traded CMC. We were forced to look elsewhere. It makes the offense less one dimensional and harder to defend.
  17. I'm not saying MC is the future. But not giving him an opportunity to compete is downright foolish. I think we just look at things differently and that's OK. 1st or 250th, draft position doesn't matter, only results. You start the guy who gives you the best opportunity to win, no matter where he was drafted. And FYI, I don't think MC beats out BY. My hope is we develop him and he shows off enough to be able to trade him like NE with Jimmy G. I don't think he will accept a backup role if he proves to be a decent starter, whether by injury or playing when the game is out of reach.
  18. He's in the picture because he's still a Panther at this moment. BY has done nothing at the NFL level yet. How his game and size translates to the pros remains to be seen. Corral has done nothing either and hasn't had a real opportunity to do so. I don't care if it's Corral, BY or Dalton. I'm sick of this team losing. Corral was given a poo opportunity from Rhule. Mental reps are a joke, especially from Rhule's staff. Matt Rhule made Adam Gase look like a damn savant. We've seen all to well that being a highly drafted QB is no guarantee of success. We can't lose objectivity just because of where either were drafted. I'm not down on BY. He's just about the same as Corral right now in his NFL development. I'm not high on Corral. They're both very young QBs and whoever gives us the best chance to win should be given the reigns to the team. I feel pretty much the same about both of them. We have the benefit of having 2 young QBs on rookie contracts with one of the best staffs, on paper, to develop them. If we can develop both, it's possible to trade the other like NE did with Jimmy G. If BY busts and Corral is the guy, we're good. If Corral busts and BY is the guy, we're good. If they both bust, move on. If they both kick ass, trade the 2nd best, get some assets and get better. At this point draft assets spent are a sunk cost. Let the best man start. Win some games and start making some playoff runs and for the love of God, have back to back winning seasons.
  19. Stating BY will be the QB for the next 10 years and everyone else needs to get over it is the definition of living on "what ifs". Your belief is based on hope. A hope of what if BY is able to defy all the odds and be an outlier among outlier. What if he is able to take the abuse of the NFL for a decade. What if he is actually able to become a starter for 10 years in the NFL. That's a whole lot of what ifs.
  20. So what happens if MC goes to TC and makes BY look 2nd string? Should BY still start or is it about what's best for the team? Most of us don't care who starts as long as it's what's best for the team.
  21. There's no guarantee of anything. BY could be the next Brees or he could be the next Baker. Before crowning him the next GOAT let's see what he can actually do over the course of a season. That's not a slight at BY, just a simple statement based on the history of top QBs in the draft. Corral could end up better than BY or he could be nothing more than a backup. I'm sure the 9ers weren't banking on Purdy playing better than the guy they gave up 3 1sts to get.
  22. Because everyone other than Hurney knew he wasn't going to ever be a legit NFL QB before the pick was even made. This message board was laughing about how terrible a pick it was going to be at 100, because it was already known he was going to be the pick there.
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