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Everything posted by 332nd

  1. I blame you for the image of a guy in a trailer park in TX, wearing an Aikman jersey, surrounded by 90s memorabilia & a 200 lb console TV, eating cold hot dogs & Cheetos, searching for the can of bud lite that isn't flat.
  2. Great. Now I have the image of the line yelling "You shall pass!!!" every play.
  3. Yeah. A lot of people see pro sports like winning the lottery. Like they just got lucky. They can't wrap their heads around the massive amount of work it takes. The mind numbing tedium of going through the same damn play again, & again, & again. The mental discipline it takes to watch hours of film so you know exactly where you need to be & how to react on the fly. Etc... Etc... Then they only see you "at work" one day a week for a few hours. I mean yeah, luck plays a part, but its mostly the work.
  4. I'm hearing the same. (Big grain of salt of course.) He's a reserved, quiet type of guy & wanted to get away from the hangers on.
  5. Same answer I always give, Steve Smith & Steve Smith. Just to watch the NFL burn.
  6. I would like one side to go "What that...!!!!" & the other to respond "...Bear doin!?!?!" Just to see Sir Purr lose it.
  7. I just think about Rosario dancing in Clerks 2.
  8. This. It's far easier to coach someone up to be a better receiver than it is to coach them up to be aggressive with an intelligent nasty streak. Barring an absolute miracle he'll never be an Olson, but he can be a fair to middling pressure release valve that can also plow the road.
  9. That's what I remember too. If his lack of production was due to the coach benching him over an argument, said coach needs to be fired.
  10. I think he's saying that because (per ESPN, I didn't see the game) he murdered Baylor.
  11. Whoa! I thought he was injured/covid risk during the season. The coach benched him that long over an argument?
  12. The base is there. Didn't have a great season last year. I think he's a potentially great backup for CMC.
  13. I cannot wait for y'all to see this one.
  14. I'm just gonna trust y'all, I know nothing about this man.
  15. Not gonna lie... I kinda want bewilderment.
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