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Everything posted by rodeo

  1. best of both worlds. now this is epicsauce, thanks for the suggestion.
  2. fire and pie reactions would be appreciated
  3. rodeo

    Delta 8 THC

    from my limited understanding, they're the most reputable d8 company out there. publishes full lab results of every product and goes above and beyond
  4. i've been into the sleek new direction they're going with the gradients, this would rule so hard
  5. rodeo

    Delta 8 THC

    i don't really care about my heart rate, the issue is that i just do not get high from either. there's no euphoria, relaxation, no symptoms of being high at all. both times i tried it were granddaddy purp strains from 2 different companies (3chi and binoid), so idk maybe if i tried a sativa i might have some effects but i would doubt it.
  6. rodeo

    Delta 8 THC

    yeah googling shows that the dea declared thc-o is illegal just a few weeks ago
  7. rodeo

    Delta 8 THC

    that's not sold here or my usual online ordering place, it's not covered under the farm bill
  8. rodeo

    Delta 8 THC

    there's nothing i would love more than for d8 to work for me, but sadly it doesn't. no high at all, just some chest tightness.
  9. the OP flipped me from 1a Young 1b Stroud to 1a Stroud 1b Young. i'll probably flip about 10 more times before draft day.
  10. fug that rapist blood money poo, all my homies watch AEW.
  11. Brett Favre and Adrian Peterson were both called high character guys coming out of the draft and through most of their careers. until they weren't. most of the time when a coach talks about high character guys they are talking very superficial things like who talks about Jesus the most at a press conference, and not any actual thing related to character/values/morals/empathy. it's a pretty meaningless phrase, you can't draft for character because you never really know what is in somebody's heart in that way. it's very easy to put on a front of high character while being nuts.
  12. Cam got fined for wearing an Underarmor chin strap years ago and now you want us to have Underarmor helmets
  13. i'm actually really curious to see how Barno performs in the preseason and if he has progressed at all. especially if Richardson ends up in our division or in the NFC running 4.43, it wouldn't hurt to have a 4.37 rusher after him.
  14. it is but the fact that i believed it says more about society than about me
  15. they need to make the refs wear flip flops too cause this picture is terrifying
  16. the Panthers should save 0 for Chosen Newton since his dad was 1.
  17. the most ironic and therefor the most likely outcome is that we draft Stroud because of worry and then Stroud gets hurt and Bryce doesn't
  18. hard to believe the man is only 32 and would still basically be in his prime right now.
  19. leave it to Panthers fans to crawl out of the woodwork just to make sure everybody knows how much they don't want the 2019 NFL MVP on their team.
  20. man you guys getting into draft hostilities are gonna feel so awkward when we draft the other one, regardless of who it is. i still have awkward emotions thinking back to backing up @Panthro in threads about how much Luke Kuechly is just a pile jumper and we shouldn't touch him.
  21. they had a superstar QB with weapons already just a couple years ago and never won jack poo
  22. the way I see it: Young has a higher ceiling, Stroud has a higher floor. Young could be a spectacular QB, or he could suck ass and we could go 3-14. Stroud could be a great QB, or he could be an average good QB and we could go 8-9 or 7-10. tbh to me there's not much difference between 3-14 and 8-9. in fact i'd kinda rather be 3-14 so we can suck and make changes, rather than drift in the middle for another 6 years, not bad enough to fire people but not good enough to win anything.
  23. nah he actually was better from the pocket under pressure, not just at scrambling. he would stand "tall" and take hits while he delivered strikes.
  24. i'm starting to warm up a lot to Young tbh. i still don't like that he has tried to hide his weight during this process, but whatever. if he gets hurt he gets hurt, my knees already hurt getting up off the toilet, he has to catch up to the rest of us some day anyway.
  25. they're both good, if we ever changed again it should be a blending of the 2. take some of the improved elements of the newer one and put them on the classic one. square lower jaw of the old but lower cheek line of the new. and blue whiskers so you don't have to do that white to black weirdness for the left whiskers.
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