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Everything posted by cookinbrak

  1. I'm sure they included that in the trade package.
  2. And we need to quit throwing good money after bad. Eat the turd biscuit we bought, and move on.
  3. We could run him as Tackle Eligible on every play, let him block further downfeild.
  4. My cousins mailman knows a guy that owns a TV, and he said not to be surprised if a lot of people here get some money deposited in their bank account overnight.
  5. The big TV STATION NEWS had a lot of inside sources that turned out to be pure crap. Joe Person. SMMFH.
  6. More clickbait. See if y'all can get this one to 26 pages, too.
  7. We're gonna have Icky and BC on the left side. Our running game will not be shut down.
  8. As we saw during the "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!" a couple of weeks ago, don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
  9. Meh, he's already doing commercials.
  10. Not a lie. 2005 Chevy Silverado, good shape, $3,500. No drivetrain.
  11. I'm assuming this Will Kunkel dick works for this station?
  12. But it's not true, has been stated that he was one who wanted to keep him. Perpetuating a lie must be one of the criteria for being a mod here.
  13. https://overthecap.com/position/quarterback/ Mayfeild and Darnold are almost identical. Basically an even trade.
  14. In reality (not a concept some here can grasp), Cleveland is in a void at QB. Watson might not play this year, Baker won't play, and I don't know what their 3rd option is. We should offer a straight trade, Darnold for Mayfeild.
  15. See that rectangular thing over there? That's the door. You will be missed.
  16. There's no room for logic here, sir.
  17. Maybe it's for funeral expenses. Life insurance (if she had it) might not have paid yet.
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