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Everything posted by pantherdad

  1. Where I live. They lived about 3 miles from me and worked at the Walmart here all through high school at Davie high. Super nice kids
  2. Is it really that hard to defend the 3? My God, we seem to give average shooters career nights, it seems. It’s downright embarrassing
  3. I really don’t post a lot, but enjoy all the news and post from others, can’t believe I’ve been a member here for 12 years now. And I’m like literally on here several times a day everyday. I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like this site is a second family to me. Happy 18th
  4. Well, it was closer than I thought it would be. Our cold shooting in the first half put us in a hole, still need an an elite center
  5. Jesus Christ, watching Cody Zeller try to play center makes me want to put my head through the TV. Can’t catch a pass, goes up weak, gets blocked....just very unatheletic. We need a true scoring center.
  6. is cliff still on here? not sure about his last name, but he got me some tickets for some games the last few years, he wears the blue wig on gameday, and drives the black truck.....just wondering. i have tailgated with him in the past

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