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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. Honestly, I'm okay with it. Just letting go and going to watch. Rhule's got three games to pull off a miracle or this is probably his last ride. If he makes a miracle happen, then, well, we'd better buckle in and prep for another year of him. If we get splattered today, as it appears, then none of this will matter except to get us better draft positions and hopefully a new coaching staff. Merry Christmas everyone, these are the gifts no one really wanted to open, but they fit the last couple of years. Hand-me down underwear and a big puzzle missing a handful of pieces.
  2. Actually, the organization did 300 total, of that he handled 22 on his own (as to his uniform number). And that is still an amazing gift. He's a good, good guy and I want him to have a 2022 season that sets new records.
  3. Stop trading for lousy to middling QBs. Wait until they are released and take a swing at one of them. Build the line first and take a chance on a free agent journeyman QB until we get moving. Or heck, just keep Cam and Darnold on staff and get them some protection. Of course, if Rhule stays, does it even matter? Between him and Fit, it's lose today, mortgage tomorrow and lose tomorrow, too.
  4. These are hard truths, but truths just the same. Cam isn't the Cam he once was, but no one can be that guy, he was a once in a generation player. Honestly, Cam's veteran back-up capabilities now and perhaps some goal line work. Darnold is under contract for next year and no one is going to trade for him after this past season. Maybe with a different coach, a decent o-line and some smart play calling he can be serviceable. I don't see much to say he's got what it takes to be "the guy" but there's a case to be made that Sam, Cam and a drafted QB could be the way to go. You've got a veteran, a plummeted prodigy and a student -- heck, that's half of a good kung fu movie right there. PJ, sorry man.
  5. He's managed to build a team that could be a contender in the Sun Belt Conference, maybe the MAC, probably not the ACC.
  6. Screw it. Was going to post about how bad of a teammate and player Robby is. Not worth it. He's been little help to his QBs since week 5 of last year.
  7. Says the second most overpaid guy on our team that has Temple in his background. Cam coming back next year? If we don't get rid of Rhule, it won't matter. You could have Brady or Rodgers behind our line, with our coaching, and still be lucky to get five wins. How about we get a new coach and let that guy decide on Cam.
  8. As was once said about Bum Phillips being a great coach, "He can take his guys and beat your team with them. Then he can take your guys and beat his team with them." Good coaching rules in the end, even over star players, injuries and tough competition. Good coaching builds teams, builds playbooks, builds players. Great coaching builds dynasties. We have lackluster coaching. At best.
  9. As much as I hate to admit it, you're right about this. Those first four games held a lot of promise. And that fourth game against Dallas peeled back the veneer and showed everyone the weaknesses of this team. We were great up until that point: passing, rushing, defense. Looked like Rhule might be a genius and our only thing to complain about was Robby Anderson not being able to catch anything. Oh those were the days. And then we entered the long, dark night of this season.
  10. Let him kick a 60 yarder for us and we'll call him Hallelujah from here on out! Good luck kid! Being a kicker here is like being the drummer for Spinal Tap!
  11. Like he's going to do better trying to meld a coaching group together AND rebuild the team AND save his job AND get the respect of the fan base AND attract free agents of quality? AND .... NO! Clean house.
  12. They sure did. Injury bug is catching them hard right now, though. That's also something that happens to Super Bowl teams the next year. Of course, this has been a monster injury (and illness) year.
  13. Like it even matters who will be out there at QB.
  14. Every player on an NFL roster was one of those triangle players for every team they have been on throughout their lives. Now they are here, with massive paychecks (even the vet minimum is pretty sweet for most folks in the real world). That creates a whole different dynamic and Rhule hasn't transitioned to this very well. Our team isn't tough, it's pretty soft, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Maybe he should have 550 on the helmets, for "5 years, $50 million" since that seems to be what most players would kill to have.
  15. Good read and Pederson will most likely be a hot candidate for a HC job. Never did quite understand how things soured so quickly in Philly after the two Super Bowls. I know they lost the second attempt, but really? Every team suffers some poaching and player loss after a Super Bowl, and doubly so after a second. Amazing he really didn't get much rebuild time there.
  16. Never had quite the impact I'd been led to believe he'd have here. I don't remember a big play at all, just missed games to start the season, missed games to end it. Meh. Get well.
  17. Betrayal can be great fun. Haven't tried Small World and Gloom yet.
  18. Ticket to Ride is great and the European Routes version is a lot of fun. Sushi Go is a fun little card game, easy to pick up, always makes folks happy. Flux is also a fun card game, with lots of variant packs. Secret Hitler is darned good, and isn't as coarse as one would think. Talisman is a classic, but be prepared for a long, long game. Arkham Horror can be a blast if you have a group of friends who are into HP Lovecraft or at least know about the mythos. Forbidden Island is a great cooperative game.
  19. Of all the things going on, we still haven't had an announcement of a kicker yet. Yesterday they said they had some coming in, but no names, no contracts. Sheeesh. Snag one off of a practice squad and go on. At this point, they're all middling to bad. Just need to be able to kick off and hit a 35 yarder.
  20. Luke and CMC would be massive without the injuries. Cam would still be in the discussion of top QBs in the league right now, rather than him being discussed as being over the hill. Jake was in his best season ever when injury just ruined him. But if I had to go back and make a complete change for one guy, it would have been Jordan Carstens. He was a DL for the Panthers who was probably the most country strong player we've ever fielded. He was becoming a real factor in games thanks to the emphasis we were putting on the d-line in 2004-2006. Excellent coaching and great play from Pep and Rucker along with DT Brentson "King of the Sneaky Hold" Buckner. Jordan had to leave the sport behind in 2006 due to kidney issues. Always thought he was going to be one of the greats, but it just didn't work out for him.
  21. Give Cam the start, put Sam in as #2 QB and just let PJ have an easy day without a uniform. As to next season, Cam isn't the answer at QB. He would, however, be one of the best possession receivers you could ask for. Just saying the guy has the world record for most one handed catches in a row, has a distinct competitive spirit, you can't teach 6'5" 245 lbs, he knows the route tree (from QB perspective) and he is a monster to bring down when he has the ball. Could be a great second act for Cam. If Rhule is gone.
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