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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. and by not sending him out Cam knows he has no future with the Panthers with Rhule and Co. in charge. This is a clusterfug of a football team. I don't want to be in football purgatory, but if change doesn't come ASAP we are there.
  2. no....damn it...I wanted Brady to put up more points. Fug.
  3. We all know who put together this Offensive Line, we all know who can't coach, everyone knows yet Tepper ain't got the balls to fire this bum ass staff..... I love the Panthers, but damn enough is enough.
  4. Now watch this hurry up offense because, you know.....we are losing. Rhule and Company are just trying to make sure the score doesn't get worse - against a team without its best wide receivers and running back.
  5. Even when a man is wide open they can't make the catch.....
  6. If Rhule isn't canned tonight or tomorrow I am watching Antique Roadshow from now on......
  7. I think I would have had Sam pitch the ball to the RB on a sweep like play and let the RB try to find an open receiver on that 4th and 11.....Tampa was just coming for Sam. Better play call than whatever our coaching staff had called.
  8. Yes, we are really trying to rally. You can tell because we are running a hurry up offense and such..... Rhule is running clock so Brady doesn't hang 40-50 on him.
  9. Rhule and his boys totally exposed and can't coach their way out of it. This isn't college and this ship has hit the bottom of the ocean.
  10. Just put our 2nd and 3rd stringers out there, can't be much worse. I am dead serious.
  11. Hartsfield is a 2nd stringer in the NFL. He got turned around by the Bucs running back in the 1st half. Robinson has played hard.
  12. Hartsfield acting like he did something - Gronk just didn't make that catch, right through his hands. LuL
  13. If we don't start bracketing Brown then this is a Pee Wee coaching staff.
  14. Gilmore now really on injury report....he's done for the season.
  15. You call that a drive?? I do more driving on my trips to the Harris Teeter.
  16. This team is just terrible...just so poorly coached.
  17. Dude Whitehead knows our entire Offensive playbook from his week of film study. BTW, Cam should have handed the ball off to Hubbard on 1st down.
  18. Gilmore still with pretty damn good coverage and then showing how to tackle.
  19. I just wonder where our 30+ running plays are...while using our running backs and not just Cam.
  20. That was our lack of having ONE DE that is responsible in the run game and Burris/Hartsfield being 2nd, maybe 3rd string NFL players.
  21. We were much more exciting when we always went for it on 4th downs, miss not having a kicker.
  22. If the fans want to send Tepper a message they don't show up. This isn't about sending Cam out with the accolades and appreciation he deserves, but we've already been told he isn't going to play the whole game.....why show up and support Tepper's bottom line? and yes, I know most of the tickets have already been sold etc. etc., but an empty stadium and no vendor revenue does send a message.
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