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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. I've re-watched 38 several times. It was a damn good game. Although some re-watches I stop after after the Muhammad touchdown, because as soon as it cuts to Foxy holding up 2 fingers, I get flashbacks to the worry sneaking in while I was watching the game live. And I've never made it to the Kasay kickoff while re-watching. 50 was a miserable night, and I can't relive it. The worst end to one of the most incredible teams and incredible seasons in NFL history. That team should be in discussion of one of the best of all time, and I think anyone serious about the game knows it. Instead that team and that season is and will only be remembered as a gif of Cam not falling on the fumble. Fug SB50.
  2. It was a catch. Refs don't botch that one, there is no strip sack, the wheels don't fall off. Peyton Manning's final game was a Super Bowl victory. The league got the story line it wanted. Whether or not they made it happen is left to speculation.
  3. Dunno about Cleveland, but he's going to be someone's starter in 3 years for sure. He's got that Mahomes-like ability to play against professionals and make it looks like a back-yard pickup game. He plays like a kid, and you love to see it!
  4. 45 through the air. I can't math. Still, 45 with perfect placement is a damn-good throw.
  5. Looked like from the 20 to the 35, so 45 yards through the air?
  6. Nope. Fug YouTube Sunday Ticket. With YouTube TV and the promotional price, the cost for the season is almost $700. Considering we have 2 prime-time games, and for various life circumstances, I end up missing 1-2 games per year, that's roughly $50 per game I watch on Sunday Ticket. I literally could go watch at my neighborhood bar for less money. I can bust out my jerseys. I can be surrounded by people and have a communal experience. And I can support a local business rather than Google. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. And I want to make it known that's what I'm doing. You want to make your money back on your multi-billion dollar investment back, Google? Then as an 8 years loyal DirecTV Sunday Ticket subscriber, I'm exactly the customer you were counting on when you were crunching the numbers. And you lost me. And will continue to do so until you lower that ridiculous price.
  7. Gettleman was a bitter little man with a power complex and no real ability. I hold him responsible for destroying Cam Newton's career by never adequately investing in protection for him. Byron Bell started an entire season at Left Tackle in his second year. What else do you need to know about his ability to manage an NFL roster?
  8. Damn! Y'all just unlocked a memory for me. I remember that exact thing happening to me, and that exact feeling of looking up to the surface, and I remember some guy saving me. I called my mom and asked about it and she had no memory of this at all. So now I'm thinking it was her boyfriend at the time and he probably was responsible for watching me and didn't want to let on it had happened with my mom, lol!
  9. Human intelligence is a blip in the 2 billion year life of the planet. I believe it's a statistical improbability that two intelligent species would ever intersect. In all likelihood they arrived when dinosaurs walked the earth, or will arrive millions of years after we've nuked ourselves out of existence. The only exception is if their technology is so advanced that the means in which they travel the cosmos, observe and communicate is beyond our comprehension. And if that's the case, then Spud sitting on his back patio sipping a Coors isn't spotting them.
  10. I like the XFL kickoff rule. Incentivizes teams to kick a returnable ball, but no one can build up a full head of steam for a neck-breaking collision. And here's an opportunity for Special Teams coordinators to get crafty, and for fringe special teams players to shine.
  11. There's a lot of talent playing in the Championship game on Saturday, after which time the players are available for NFL free agency. I expect a lot of teams (and hopefully the Panthers) talk to Abram Smith. I don't think he's an "invite to training camp kinda guy," someone will sign him to a contract. He looks like a solid second string RB to me, with a nose for the end zone, who could help us out a ton in red zone situations.
  12. Abram Smith has been outstanding here in DC. I don't know if he'll make his way to Carolina, but he should absolutely catch on in a RB 2 or 3 role in the NFL. Kid just can't be kept out of the end zone. Occasional fumbles, but a quality RB coach can fix that.
  13. Agreed, and I will enjoy watching the friendship/rivalry between them throughout their careers.
  14. Corral is unironically the kind of player who could benefit from a stint in the XFL. He was never going to be the guy here after the regime change, and there's not enough tape on him for another GM to make room on their roster for him. His prospects in the NFL are dim right now, and he'll have a lot of trouble shining as a backup to a backup somewhere. So, in my opinion, like Rick Dalton, he should go to Rome and star in Westerns, so to speak. Go, actually start, and if he's the star he thinks he is, shine. And with some solid tape, he maybe gets a shot on an NFL team.
  15. Looking that way. If Levis doesn't go to Detroit, he could fall to the second round.
  16. Keep showing me that DeMeco Ryans cake. Mmm! Must be my birthday!
  17. That's my quarterback now. Wishing him all the success in the world and a title run.
  18. Sure, some people won't be surprised now. But the flip side of that coin is if it's left a surprise, half the fanbase is going to be disappointed. I'm okay with leaking it (telegraphing it , bat-signaling it, whatever degree of transparency the FO goes with) now so deniers have at 4 days to cope and at least accept it by Thursday night, so we don't have a bunch of whiners in here bringing everyone down.
  19. Like all 3. Want Stroud, and I believe he'll be the best at the NFL level. But acknowledge that at #1 you have to go with the closest thing to a "sure thing" and today that's Young.
  20. That's arguably worse. That means only 18% of test takers scored worse than him, and this was his second attempt. So in a room with any random 10 college football players, only one player has a lower cognitive processing ability. Ouch. I still like Stroud a lot, and if we'd stayed at 9, I feel like there's now a solid chance he would have tumbled to where we could get him. We don't need a mental giant at QB. Cam was never going to get into MENSA. But when you're picking #1 overall, the stakes are way too high, and a score like that is whatcha call a red flag. I concede. Can't take the risk. Not only do I agree Bryce is the pick, but I actively don't want Stroud at #1. Hooray.
  21. Bad example. I said I'm NOT into it... *edit* but I see what you did there
  22. I was more excited for Stroud. But I'll believe in our the former QBs in our FO to be making the right call here. Let me go watch some Bryce highlights and see if anything gets me excited. I gotta be honest, this is like trying to rub one out to a video where the star just really isn't your type. That's Bryce. My semi-flacid fantasy QB.
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