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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Perspective is a hell of a thing. Riddick was nothing but a rental. Somewhere you missed that memo. Our front offense wasn't going to pay him when he was never a corner stone of this defense. Burns is so much more than just a pass rusher, but that all many want to focus on as he's going to get fair market value for his position, production, and leadership on this team.
  2. Training Camp always favors the defense. Rookie QB.New starters at every skill position. In an offense that ISN'T a simple offense. The only good thing going for the offense right now is the experienced oline. Going to take some time for this offense to truly start clicking. Shouldn't be a worry with this defense, and the ability to run the ball. It will open up this offense. Patience people.
  3. Riddick not only went home, but to a true Superbowl contender. Not to mention the pile of cash he made doing it. Not sure why so many wear blinders, and March out their skewed perspective expecting anyone with a brain to just fall in line.
  4. There is value at having a proven pass rush. Asking a bunch of role players to suddenly step up, and to DEPEND on. Them to provide a consistent rush opposite of Burns, so Burns can have a bigger impact, is really a lot to ask for. These young guys are still going to get plenty of opportunities, as you have to rotate your dlinemen to keep them fresh, so they can still.impact the game in the 4th quarter when the game is on the line.
  5. Not sure why anybody would want Young's jersey. It simply won't fit us fat asses.
  6. How much did ya put down? Just curious. I almost squeezed the trigger the other day.
  7. I figured someone would throw shade at that comment, but I didn't think anybody would compare our Red Rifle to Tyler Hubtley. Not sure you even really have an argument there. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Why does it seem like Fowler always has an axe to grind?
  9. As much as I hate the heat, I'd love to see the opener against the Falcons. Won't happen though. I am flying to Alaska on the 17th for almost 2 weeks of fishing (both salt water and fresh), and camping. Got extended family members flying up also. Will kinda be a mini family reunion while enjoying the Alaskan Outdoors. 1 last fishing trip with Dad, that I never thought I'd get again, since his cancer diagnosis 10 years ago. I'm sure I'll have my tractor parked most of December, so maybe I'll catch one of the the December games. I also never know when I'll be in the area. So will see. Opener against Atlanta would be my first choice. Never been to a.game against the Falcons, and I truly feel Byrce is going to be special. Would love to be there for his first game.
  10. Pre draft I felt he had some Joe Montana magic in him. Either way, he's going to fantastic to watch.
  11. 3-4's traditionally are more difficult to run on as there is more beef on the line.
  12. I didn't think it would continue to be as bad as it was last year, so yes, it's good to see that improvement
  13. I use to have similar perspective. Unfortunately I am far to old to hold onto that perspective. Many good players, not enough numbers.
  14. Hadn't seen this interview posted on the huddle. Sharing this because Henderson is showing he is critical of his own production, and know for him to get to where he wants to be, he must play with consistency. Yes this is a no Brainer, but the feeling I get from most of the critical comments of him, is he just doesn't care to be the player he is capable of being.
  15. Such a charismatic young man with a great personality.
  16. Most receivers truly take until their 3rd year to break out. Not to meaning the challenges he's had with coaching staffs, and quartback carousel that he has had to deal with. Here you are, before the season even begins, calling him a bust already. (Pretty much anyways).
  17. Denver was a damn poo show last year. With the exception of their DC, their coaching staff seemed not capable of handling the task at hand. Not to mention Russell Wilson, and his elite talent, fearlessly leading down the toilet bowl.
  18. I didn't mention the oline for the sake of these practices, just something to look forward to. As a life long football fan, oline continuity is very difficult post salary cap Era. So I'm excited about not only when the pads go on, but the oline not taking a month into the season to get their poo together.
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