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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. I honestly would prefer a better passer. Just seems like there are fewer these days, and having to pic from guys whom will probably never see their ceiling.
  2. Be careful, evidently we have a lot of Gator alumni on here.
  3. The statements I've made are true. I'm not interested in the grade school bickering that passes off as debate around here. My argumentative days are long behind me. So I really don't give a fug, Jimmy. Nothing you have said makes what I've said untrue. Just because I chose not to bicker with you, doesn't mean anything. I never said Anthony can't be a good one. Not a single post did insay that. So no where have I had to back track. The Gators haven't produced any QB that hasn't been a Panther, that I would have ever been happy with as a starter here. Yall enjoy bickering, and claiming meaningless victories on a message board.
  4. You're right, evaluate the player. Which I admit, I have not done. Doesn't change the fact that most teams looking for QB doesn't look to the gator program. Good QB's very rarely go there. If they do, it's because they can't break the lineup on better colleges programs. And for the record. Richardson could be an exceptionto the rule when it comes to Gator QBs finding success in the NFL. Which is great if he is.
  5. I love it when people try to imply people do things they don't. Then try to justify it. I understand a lot of people do it. I don't. Thanks for your attempt to tell me what I do and don't do.
  6. I am not struggling despite you suggesting I am. I merely pointed out that the Gators have never produced an NFL caliber QB. That is a true statement. I also haven't said 1 single thing about Anthony Richardson. I haven't said he's going to fail, I also haven't said he's going to succeed. He has nothing to do with the point I made, except he happens to be a current GATOR QB. If he succeeds, he will be the first in the history of that school. Seems to me, you are struggling, because you chose to target me in retaliation, and you argued a point that had nothing to do with the point I made. Now because I'm not backing down off your ignorance, your claiming I struggle. Maybe you should learn how to read before you decide to attack someone on a message board.
  7. Thank you for confirming my point. Interesting road you chose to go down. Congrats to the outlying group you assembled.
  8. What if games is a child's game. Meaning immature. I don't care how you look at it. I don't play such stupidity.
  9. I'll wait for you to name 1,gator gb that was a legit good qb in the NFL. 1.
  10. Take care, Baker. I wish the best for you.
  11. Not sure how his shoulder had anything to do with his decision making.
  12. He was unfortunately as bad as I feared he was. Such a waste of time. Thank God the team is cutting his and moving on.
  13. Pretty brutal week, injuries across the league.
  14. I never worry about the QBs slotting, or the teams draft position. If there is a QB they love, they'll get him if that's what they want.
  15. A lot memories about that defense, and those players. Glad to hear he's doing overall pretty well, especially in light that his two linebackers brothers are long gone.
  16. York County sure made a.mess of things, and nobody down there gives a fug, except to get more money.
  17. I generally don't give a poo about what a coach says or does, always wishing him the best. Rhule, go fug yourself.
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