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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. I don't expect an easy win, but a win is what I expect.
  2. Remember back after the draft, and the Sam 5th year option, I said this team would be exciting to watch again?? I'm not here to say I told you so...I don't care about that.... But was I wrong? It's even exceeding my own expectations.
  3. You mean we'll finally get to see some real football, pops? I'm excited!
  4. You obviously didn't finish reaching the exchange before ya responded. Plus, it was his only mistake. It didn't cost us the game, and he'll get better. Get over this perfection that y'all are holding Sam to. If it was any other QB, he'll, if it was Cam, y'all wouldn't even be talking about it.
  5. How do you agree the is an easily fixable mistake, then disagree about moving on. Seems to me you just want perfection.
  6. Our current defensive front is aggressive and the pass rush is more consistent.
  7. I got a good laugh from the video. Snow, is an old school football guy. Period. He's use to coaching n college, where ya have to make do with players that don't fit the mold. So He's putting the players he has into positions for success, and it doesn't fit the mold of defenses you normally see in the NFL. Plus, this defense seems like it is very capable to adapting to however offenses want to try to attack it. Good luck boys.
  8. I get it was a bad error. I get it led to their only points. It was really his only mistake in the game. I'll take that knowing he's going to work his ass off to prevent it from happening again.
  9. Yes he did. Don't confuse him. It'll drive him to drink more!
  10. I'm sorry, but expecting any QB to play perfect is ridiculous.
  11. Gosh, will there be no good running backs by the end of CMC's rule? Are they ALL GONNA DIE????
  12. This thread is further proof of the huddles imminent demise.
  13. I'm not sure how well thought out the OP was.
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