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Everything posted by mc52beast

  1. Learned this week that our o-line can get pushed around by back-ups… not very promising.
  2. I’ll be impressed when Sam goes against a defense with all their starters on the field.
  3. So we figured out how to keep a decent punter, next on the agenda is figuring out how to keep a decent kicker.
  4. Thomas needs to go, either cut him or trade him. He has shown nothing that makes me think he can contribute to this team.
  5. Really impressed at the significant upgrade we see in this group. Wasn’t that long ago we were saying the secondary was trash.
  6. Not feeling real confident about this lineup. I’m pretty sure that after a few games of Sam getting killed that we will see changes to it… at least I hope so
  7. Panthers like versatile players. Maybe they think dude can add some pounds and compete for LT.
  8. Smitty said he’s the new leader of our defense.
  9. We’re at least one year, maybe two from being a legit contender.
  10. Can you imagine how pissed Moton could be if after signing his big extension they tell him he’s playing LT? If it works this could be the best move our FO has ever made.
  11. Put yourself in Rhule’s shoes; do you want your #1 qb playing with backup linemen who are not very good?
  12. The way this staff is handling Darnold the name on his jersey should be FRAGILE HANDLE WITH CARE. If they honestly believe his psyche is so damaged that he can’t be given extended playing time until it’s absolutely necessary then he shouldn’t be in the NFL.. tell me I’m wrong. As for Slye, it’s mind-boggling that they gave him zero competition after his sub-par season last year. If we go into this season without someone else being brought in I’m going to be pissed.
  13. The biggest problem this team faces in 2021 is a horrible lack of depth. This showed against the Colts and again against the Ravens. This won’t be fixed this year, it will take another off-season. So just cross your fingers and hope we can stay relatively healthy.
  14. I’m going to be really pissed if they lose Brees, replace him with incompetence and we still lose to them.
  15. Besides the obvious which is Darnold and how he reacts when the line falls apart I’m watching our backups who are fighting for spots on this team. One guy in particular is Paddy Fisher, he has impressed me so far.
  16. Would be shocked if starters played more than a couple series. Third game is usually when they get extended time. Hoping to see Sam look comfy behind our very questionable line. Hoping to see our defense give us hope that they can bail out the offense if things turn to muck. Hoping to see Slye prove Rhule and Fitterer were right in not giving him any competition.
  17. He will be called Check-Down Sammy because he won’t throw a pass farther than ten yards.
  18. And then they go out and get shut out 35-0. The moral of this story is take care of your own business before talking about others.
  19. Speaking of ST, why the heck did we draft a long snapper???
  20. Hard to argue. We have a starting qb who has been trash(yeh, with the Jets) and who admitted to “seeing ghosts”. We have a questionable o-line with a LT who has been terrible. We have very little depth at key positions…
  21. I guess Fitterer and Rhule missed the part about Perryman not being able to stay on the field. Nobody should be shocked.
  22. I’m old enough to remember when a DC here ran a very effective 3-8 scheme.
  23. The thing about these vaccines is they are not 100% effective. As everyone here probably knows you can get jabbed and still get sick/ make someone else sick. And now they’re talking about the Lambda variant that is raging across South America right now.
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