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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Without the numbers I would guess it is Shaq this year.
  2. Tannahil was revitalized so it was the example Sam was expected to follow. It was a hopeful comparison that was easy to build up but it completely discounted Sam's mental issues with processing the field. That is something that could be improved in a QB but in this case there is no evidence Sam was ever capable of doing so. Lots of good draft people couldn't see Little was a walking disaster yet some of us saw it well before the draft. I don't know what that is but it exist. Some kind of evaluation fallacy. Maybe if you over examine a bad prospect they start to look better or hopeful? I don't know.
  3. Good to hear your brother is on the mend sir! LG already said it all. I am so happy about the Sam incident being shelved through the rest of the season so we can soak up what is going down in Panther town. This last weekend was such a turn from the week before that I still don't have the words to express my optimism of the new direction, it's very hard for me to not be pessimistic even if I am optimistic about it. I am right there with you on the Sam trade being better than a Watson trade, or even the Lance trade the 49ers made (he was my #1 wish from the offseason). I'm a pessimist, sometimes I do need to STFU and let others have their space. I wish I was wrong about Sam and he could mentally do what his body can physically do, I just couldn't believe that. Hell, I was a raging ass when we traded for him, no excusing that sir. Do you, have fun and if you need to throw some poo at me it's cool with me. I know I need it sometimes.
  4. Yall know Ron can't adapt. Say PJ and start Cam.
  5. Which pop culture is this from? I'm not recognizing it at all.
  6. The only thing I want to emulate from GB is SB wins.
  7. Not enough info, context unclear. Can we not get better reporting or are they all going David Newton now that Cam is back?
  8. The funniest part is he still believes in Teblows as a football player. I get the nice guy thing, weird but if that's your flavor of idol ok. But as a NFL player there is so much obvious proof of why this guy plateaud in school. Will this place still have Darnold believers in 5 years? 'He isn't even 30 yet, it could start clicking'. Anyways
  9. He has zero future here. Bringing him back on a 'he can improve 2.0' would cause a riot, with at least the fans and I don't think the players were far behind. He is done here. He can't even be trusted to be a backup. Cut him or trade him and eat most of that options is about it for us.
  10. So many bad mistakes, little mistakes and some straight WTFs. Sam's trade picks are already dead and gone. Now it's about eating that Cap for a pathetic 7th rounder or going into Cap mitigation. I assume we can June 1st a 5th year option? Either way, he isn't coming back and he isn't improving his play magically next year any more than he did this year.
  11. There is just too much to see the rest of the season for anything definite at this time. Let's get 6 games into this new setup and then we can break it down. Can Gilbert stay healthy because he is a better CB than Jackson and a better vet leader from all appearances. Can a certain QB stay healthy? Can this oline perform like last game inanother 3 to 5 weeks? Film brings a lot of reality and we just did a major switch-up. Can Reddick bring it all year? If so he is a must keep. How does that factor into Burns' upcoming contract? Does Anderson return to a 1000 yard guy? It looks that way but too early. And what do we do with Darnold? Cap hit vs trade value of a 7th two years from now should be discussed.
  12. Both. Brady and Rhule's inadequacies in evaluations and NFL experience led to them believing in being able to easily replace Cam. Cam was coming off of 2 injured years, a whole other rant, wanting a giant contract and being very public about it. The way the staff handled it was pure ass. They held him too long, the fugged up a clean and clear PR stance and whatever Hurney was contributing to the mess. Just be up front and let him test the market or have enough backbone to look him on the eye and say no thank you and good luck. It was a great time for both to come back together.
  13. I know I want to see an all time beat down, no mercy. And I don't care about penalties. Ron loves close games, this needs to be a blowout.
  14. I don't know about sneak, steamroller is what I want to see. Nothing about the team on Sunday suggest sneaking will be going on. It's going to be a fun ride!
  15. Wasn't the lead official a Denver fan? I swear I remember him or his wife was wearing Denver gear in a picture during that trip. Fug them both. As far as Teddy, it's just plain dumb to lose a starting QB because they were tackling. This looked bad but I still stand by that, regardless of whatever other team it is. I would rather have a QB available to score a makeup TD.
  16. After a blatant uncalled helmet to helmet via Miller. They could have done anything they wanted and got away with it in that game.
  17. Yeah but those in-depth analysis are opinions also, just from larger sources that have bigger income streams. That's why I consider them entertainment news, they are there to get paid 1st and an analysis is a distant 2nd. More likely to be clickbait than substance. They have to do that to support their overhead where there are smaller sources like Ellis or 4manfront that kills those mindless noise machines where profit is calculated before their analysis. Twitter allows for that small format to link the good analysis and avoid the big noise makers. There is a ton of BS but most of that can be filtered out once you dial into some good sources.
  18. I refuse to watch it or any other entertainment 'experts'. There are better people out there doing good work and I support them. Ellis is a great example. The rest is just a waste of time to me. As always that's with the 'to each their own' thing. I just refuse to respect any of that BS. Draft time is the dregs of entertainment 'experts' crawling out like cockroaches. Yuck.
  19. I didn't even know yahoo was still in business, in any capacity. What did AOL sports say? Twitter has the lock on good sports content, it's just with all the the rest of the crazy but that's how it goes.
  20. Where the blame falls is obvious at this point but I will enjoy watching the defuses continue blaming anyone but who was the obvious problem here...
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