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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. I think they will try but I would be shocked if Jackson's price was doable and not shocked at all of Gilmore's will be.
  2. Got to have an out with a guy Gilmore's age. That cliff comes for all players and sometimes you can't see it coming clearly. All guarantee money the first year and very little the second year with none the third year should be as safe as you can get. We have the rest of the year to evaluate this situation. They would be dumb to do any deal until it's over.
  3. By this logic we don't have Jackson anymore either, he is not under contract next year. Henderson has a lot to prove but the fact we are seeing him in the game last week leaves me hopeful. Physically he is a stud. Horn is a complete unknown health wise (please just be a fluke) but he was playing CB #1 as a rookie game 1 and Jackson was not as a soon to be vet next year. I think that really puts the entire situation into perspective. Then Gilmore slid into that spot. Jackson is not a CB #1, he is a very good contributor though so I want to be clear I am not trying to crap on him.
  4. Gilmore is a beast. If he doesn't want a ridiculous and toxic contract, he should get resigned over Jackson. We have Bouye next year, Taylor is looking promising, Henderson looks to be getting his reps now and Horn should be healthy next year. Jackson is the odd man out in all of this, the young guys have so much more upside than him in coverage no matter good he is playing this year. I just don't see Jackson wanting what he is worth which is really good #2 money which is still a big chunk of cap. Just a guess but I think Jackson and his agent are ramping up for a huge payday and I hope that won't be us. Riccick, Gilmore, Burns and then Moore all are above resigning Jackson at this point. Still plenty of games left but other than injury that list stands in my mind. As for the comp picks, I hate to be the one to say it but with our lack of picks and desperate need on the Oline I would not be expecting any comp picks from this offseason due to the more players signed then lost with value calculation.
  5. Apple is the worst and their hardware is all overpriced and underperforms. It's a cult, get out.
  6. LoL. Ron 'missed opertunities' Rivera everyone. Maybe hire a better OC and actually build an offense. Well, he got his wish this year I guess. It's the NFL, if you don't have a QB you are fugged. It's not the 70's anymore.
  7. TD was a spy on Vick for 2 games and proved he could do what we desperately needed, stop Vick from embarrassing us twice twice year. Not the best safety by far his first year but he literally did what we drafted him to do. I remember a lot of bitching about not just playing him at LBer but not about being a bad player. If I remember correctly he came in at 226 and put on like 8 lbs or something in year 2. Then those 3 awful injuries. I remember a lot of people loving his potential even then but being sad he had to be done only to prove the norm completely wrong. Shaq has been good but not great until this year. Who drafted him, the Hurney contract and not getting him to his current roll faster was never his fault. I still don't think on field value vs contract translate into dislike for a player, it's just a value assestment. That's more of a dislike of the situation not necessarily the player. Either way the man has shown up big time this year and I don't hear too much about his contract with him producing like he is. I'm ready to see Reddick get a new contract, and then Burns. They work really well together in this system. Even at big numbers that's looking like great value for the Panthers moving forward.
  8. He is a top 5 non-edge LBer this year vs being pretty average before.
  9. Donte is good but this sounds like his' agent and BR article gearing up for a new contract, absolutely no shame there. All this leadership talk and Gilmore the vet walks in and has an immediate impact on and off the field. IDK, I want to see Reddick and Gilmore locked down before thinking about a new contract for Dante, especially with Horn coming back. He is a big hitter so that is fun to have for sure.
  10. Without the numbers I would guess it is Shaq this year.
  11. Tannahil was revitalized so it was the example Sam was expected to follow. It was a hopeful comparison that was easy to build up but it completely discounted Sam's mental issues with processing the field. That is something that could be improved in a QB but in this case there is no evidence Sam was ever capable of doing so. Lots of good draft people couldn't see Little was a walking disaster yet some of us saw it well before the draft. I don't know what that is but it exist. Some kind of evaluation fallacy. Maybe if you over examine a bad prospect they start to look better or hopeful? I don't know.
  12. Good to hear your brother is on the mend sir! LG already said it all. I am so happy about the Sam incident being shelved through the rest of the season so we can soak up what is going down in Panther town. This last weekend was such a turn from the week before that I still don't have the words to express my optimism of the new direction, it's very hard for me to not be pessimistic even if I am optimistic about it. I am right there with you on the Sam trade being better than a Watson trade, or even the Lance trade the 49ers made (he was my #1 wish from the offseason). I'm a pessimist, sometimes I do need to STFU and let others have their space. I wish I was wrong about Sam and he could mentally do what his body can physically do, I just couldn't believe that. Hell, I was a raging ass when we traded for him, no excusing that sir. Do you, have fun and if you need to throw some poo at me it's cool with me. I know I need it sometimes.
  13. Yall know Ron can't adapt. Say PJ and start Cam.
  14. Which pop culture is this from? I'm not recognizing it at all.
  15. The only thing I want to emulate from GB is SB wins.
  16. Not enough info, context unclear. Can we not get better reporting or are they all going David Newton now that Cam is back?
  17. The funniest part is he still believes in Teblows as a football player. I get the nice guy thing, weird but if that's your flavor of idol ok. But as a NFL player there is so much obvious proof of why this guy plateaud in school. Will this place still have Darnold believers in 5 years? 'He isn't even 30 yet, it could start clicking'. Anyways
  18. He has zero future here. Bringing him back on a 'he can improve 2.0' would cause a riot, with at least the fans and I don't think the players were far behind. He is done here. He can't even be trusted to be a backup. Cut him or trade him and eat most of that options is about it for us.
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