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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I'm making a blanket fort on my back porch, skulling a bottle of Moscato, and eating a ton of chicken wings with the homies. You know, same thing I do every draft.
  2. Charlie Jones seems pretty legit, would love to draft him in the 3rd or so.
  3. Poor CJ just isn't comfortable talking in interviews. Very wooden and uptight. Don't blame him at all, that poo would terrify me. Kid's probably a real cutup with his friends.
  4. We didn't really do anything to support DJ Moore though. We gave him the corpse of Cam Newton, Teddy two gloves, Sam Darnold, Baker Mayfield, and PJ Walker, and he still put up multiple 1k seasons. I do agree though - I think he's a solid #1, but not elite, Top 25-15 WR in the league. But Bryce is a dawg in his own right, it's just different than Stroud. Stroud came from nothing and worked hard to reach the peak while having all the physical traits wanted in a QB. Young steps on the field at 5'10" and is the best player out there against grown men half a foot taller than he is. That's some Smitty-like dawg. Not as aggressive and unhinged as Smitty, but definitely impressive given their physical limitations.
  5. So are you just crotchety towards everyone until they give you a reason to respect them? I just ask because respect is a default setting for me, with anyone I meet, until they give me a reason to treat them otherwise. Support is a default setting for any new panther player, unless they were on a rival/did something heinous or were a dick to the Panthers that makes me take time to warm up to them (a la Roman Harper). I genuinely don't understand the "earn my support" mentality toward a rookie that we draft. I can understand being hesitant with a vet player/coach/gm/owner, but not a kid who has done nothing yet and didn't even have a say in where he was drafted.
  6. Exactly one month ago I made this thread looking to re-make it about a week away from the draft to get a better idea of where everyone lies in regards to who they want as the team's future signal caller: I'm back with the same questions as the last thread, I just want to know if the general consensus has changed in the past month leading up to the draft next week. Mine has changed personally as I lean one way more than the other now. Wanted to see where other people stand.
  7. My brother in Christ, that article was written a month ago. At least post the recent videos/mocks/Analysis with Stroud at 1.
  8. Young, Stroud, Richardson all make sense. Whoever we like best, I like best.
  9. I don't know what I want to happen more, the meltdown for being wrong or the meltdown for being right.
  10. Dude has the best arm talent in terms of strength + accuracy + Placement of the entire class. Plenty to love about Stroud.
  11. I swear, if we don't draft Stroud we should just ban you based on principle.
  12. If Joe Person is to believed, that may be why Richardson is our QB 2
  13. At Christmas I went to a work party and met a guy who was all in on Steve Wilks as the perma-coach. We had a discussion and I disagreed. I explained my perspective on why we should move on, he shared his on why Wilks should stay. The conversation was civil. At no point did ask the man to step outside simply because our opinions differed because I'm not a petulant child.
  14. OK, Jesus christ people, how, under any circumstances, does threatening someone with violence over a message board on the internet seem like a viable course of action in your life? What choices have you made that lead you down this road, multiple times at that? BriceYung is gone, it's absolutely ridiculous that I even have to step in and say "Hey, don't threaten other people on the internet", but here I am. Anyway, don't threaten other people on the internet.
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