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Everything posted by jfra78

  1. All you have to do is write Bryce Sucks in every topic, you will get 100 posts in no time
  2. He was the face of the franchise, why wouldn't you run it past the owner
  3. Record doesn't really matter to me, just whether Bryce takes a step further.
  4. The way it reads is that they thought he would cost 2 2nds, not that they were willing to trade 2 2nds.
  5. NYC was an outlier due to 9/11, plus it's NYC something Charlotte could never be. I have been to games at night in the winter in Charlotte, it is fine for hard-core football fans especially fans of the home team, but it's not suitable to the type of fan that goes to a Superbowl
  6. Tampa averages 74/54 in February with 4 days of rain. Charlotte averages 54/34 in February with 7 days of rain. There's a big difference, Charlotte needs a dome to get a Superbowl.
  7. Lol you guys saying you don't want them to talk would be the first ones complaing when they dont
  8. If the team relocates the city will build a new stadium in 5 years
  9. Reminds me of when I took a cruise to the Bahamas and when in port saw many people head to the McDonalds
  10. With our roster any of these guys should compete
  11. I can see him becoming a fan favorite if he's half way decent. We love us some names oooooo in it. Moooooooose, Steeeeew, Hooooooover, Luuuuuuuke and now Juuuuuul.
  12. Yea that was a good movie
  13. Gotta practice my Luuuuuke chant for when Jewell makes a tackle
  14. They are as passionate as Panther fans were when Cam was here. Having a franchise QB does that, ask the Patriots
  15. I compared him to Bridgewater before the draft and I stand by the comparison
  16. I argued this before the draft and got so much poo
  17. Shout out to Dr James Shortt for making this possible
  18. I will accept this comment when I see you run 21.5 mph
  19. https://x.com/The_UFM/status/1791958085294010562 Links don't work any more? Says he has the fastest speed in ufl at 21.5 mph
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