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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Completely agreed. I always love a good underdog that has to use their minds just as much, if not more than their bodies to excel. Sam Mills was the perfect definition of that guy. Loved watching him as a kid. Saunders will definitely have to prove it one way or another. I think I'm erring on the side of I dont believe it yet due to what I saw of him in the past, combined with the fact that I think Rhule plays favorites. And you know what I think of Rhule. But we will see, one way or another.
  2. I hope so. I've been waiting...
  3. Yeah, I'm really starting to think Shi has to stay. He has huge potential.
  4. I agree, Scot. Ricky wasn't the greatest athlete, and I hate to use the term, but he was deceptively athletic. He wasn't blowing by people off the line, or pulling away in a foot race, but he had enough athleticism to pull away from people when needed, and enough to create plays, even a little after the catch. I'm not trying to dump on Saunders, and yes, some guys mental game, anticipation, understanding of angles and leverage is such that it negates physical limitations and allows them to excel, but I feel like you have to have a baseline level of athleticism to go with that. And from what I saw of Saunders, in the past, I didn't see that... Proehl looked like a far greater athlete if I were to compare the two of them, as well as all the other famed slot receivers that were mentioned in this thread. They may not have been able to outrun 9 out of 10 guys in a 60 yard sprint, but they had suddenness and short-area quickness that allowed them separation and the ability to make plays consistently. I'm not saying Saunders cant be that, but he hasnt been that, and I don't expect guys to develop that once they reach the pro level. You usually already have or don't have that ability by the age of 21. Perhaps he worked on those things specifically and produced a noticeable improvement in them. Just saying, that was the biggest thing I noticed in all of the plays I've seen of him from last year and in college.
  5. All of those guys could/can separate and create after the catch. Saunders' college highlights almost always end with him falling as he catches it.
  6. He also just said in response to several different questions regarding Corral that while acknowledging his reps situation isn't ideal, it's the hand he currently holds and has to work through but said he has improved greatly since the minicamps. He went on to say he is improving several times and then finished the last question about him with "He is ascending." Very complimentary. And very interesting.
  7. Just said it in his presser. I believe the question was about what they saw on his college tape that they felt would translate to the pros and that was McAdoo's immediate reply, and then added his passion to finish blocks and protect his teammates, as well as his intelligence. Love it. And also, fwiw, when he was with the Giants, and perhaps that was more a product of national/NY media, he always seemed to come off as a smug buffoon type there. But, man, the more pressers I see of him here, the more I like him. He seems to have a bit of smart-ass to him, but not in a condescending way. He can be humorous, and he just seems very knowledgeable about his job and what his intentions are... and aside from all of that, just seems very comfortable in his own skin. He's quickly becoming a favorite of mine on the staff (already liked Wilks, and I've liked Snow as well). C/o Michael G sharing the TC thread, here is the full presser:
  8. Not to pee on the parade, but if he got named Mr. Athlete, I would hate to see that hometown based off what I saw of him last season. But seriously, I love underdogs and all that good stuff, but unless he made some drastic improvements this offseason, I just don't see how he could beat out the likes of Zylstra, Shi, TMJ, and Higgins. Last season when he played, it looked like most people from the Huddle walk faster than he runs. I admit, there are some guys who just have a knack and ability to get open, but I didn't even see that last season. Maybe he has refined his route running quite a bit, but I just don't know how he can make it into a bigger role with that lack of athleticism. And another thing to ponder, if he does hold onto this spot, then what happens to our drafted guys? DJ and Robby are locks. I imagine Roberts is as well unless Shi really surprises in the return game this preseason. So that's 3 receiver spots. Then we have Higgins, TMJ, Shi, Zylstra, and Saunders. I think keeping 6 is a definite, but I don't know about 7. So either 1 or 2 of those guys are out. And. I know Zylstra hasn't been heard from a lot this camp, but he has made some clutch plays the last two years, is a solid receiver, and plays ST coverage... and again, he's proven it on the field. So although he seems like the most likely candidate to go off that list, I don't think he's so easy to write off either. I want the best 6 or 7 on the roster, but man I would hate one of our drafted guys not to make it. I really liked what I saw from Shi and TMJ in their limited opportunities last year.
  9. And the thing that is so bothersome about it is, they limit fans access to everything too, so our only real ability to see anything is directly from them... which is why it is so mind boggling that they then turn around and post videos zoomed all the way in on the ball to where you can't even see the action or the play developing on the highlights they posy. Like seriously? You keep fans from filming and you have sole control over what is filmed where, but you can even get proper angles with quality camera work? And it's clearly not anything related to competitive advantage or any of that because so many other franchises allow so much more access to their practices - the Cowboys come to mind. Tepper really has sucked the life out of this organization and fanbase.
  10. Yeah that looks like full pads to me. Vote said he was in shell, though, and he's an official team reporter.
  11. Albright is very reliable. Love to hear it. Doubt he has any value, but hopefully a team will do us a favor and just take him for the year and fug it, we may as well pay half to 75% of it, being that it's the last year of his deal anyway... we just need to rid ourselves of him and move on. Baker is clearly superior and Corral needs his reps for development. That's what I'm talking about Fitt! Hell yeah... take it out of Rhule's hands.
  12. I still prefer we kick BC inside and have Icky at LT. Fitt himself repeatedly said they had a higher grade on BC as a guard although I thought he looked good at LT last season... I just don't understand why he didn't get his shot there last season and now we're giving it to him at the expense of our first overall pick who was touted as likely the best tackle in the draft.
  13. That is some A-1 work right there for BC. Impressive. Also, would like to point out that it seems it's been reported every year that Brian has put on 10-15 lbs of muscle in the offseason, but it definitely looks like that's actually true this year for the first time. He definitely looks more stout.
  14. Good on Brian. What fuging idiot... I feel like he was purposely trying to disrespect Matt, and that's why Brian got so upset about it. Really embarrassing we have "fans" out there saying poo like this in what should be a friendly/laid back setting.
  15. "No recording allowed, we have to have exclusive recording rights so we can post a horribly captured clip where the cool parts of the play are completely missed thanks to our shoddy camerawork by our guy using his Motorola Razr."
  16. Robbie is gonna make a lot of people eat their words this season. I expect a return to his 2020 form, or something very close. Baker is going to utilize his ability to stretch the field much better than Sam did or could.
  17. I just don't see anyone trading for him. He effectively tanked any value he had left last season.
  18. And he will participate in today's first padded practice, per David Newton.
  19. Goodell and all the people he has in his pocket and vice versa really are pieces of poo. Like I've said a million times, they don't care about right or wrong or integrity, they care about profits. Period. And Watson being in the field makes for great storylines and more money. fug the NFL.
  20. Man, love his game! Now that's a deal I would be interested in. I can't understand at all how the C's think Tatum is a better player than Brown. Brown is a straight dog, and a player I would trust a lot more to put the team on his back and carry them to a win versus Tatum. And I think he would be the ideal off-guard to Melo. He doesn't require the ball in isos to get his production and he plays great defense, and if you need a bucket, more often than not, he's gonna get it for you.
  21. I heard they wanted something like 7 or 8 first rounders. Even 3 is too much for me. Spida is a great player, but I'm not giving up that much compensation unless this is prime Curry or LeBron we're talking about. And really, how much of a difference is there between he and Terry, anyway? A 7 ppg difference on the same shooting? No thanks.
  22. No doubt our coaching staff deciding we were just going to caveman it strategy-wise didn't help, but that's who we were every year under Rivera. I remember the Seahawks players stating that specifically when asked about us and they essentially said "They're not a team that adjusts or schemes per opponent. They say, 'this is what we do. Can you beat it?'" So yeah, that factored in. But we were damn good at what we did that year, and Cam was unstoppable. Yes there were matchup issues, but we were still the better team and we got absolutely hosed and no one will ever tell me any different. Every time we gained the slightest momentum, Blakeman and his punk ass crew would call a phantom penalty to out us in a situation that allowed Miller and Ware to pin their ears back and have a field day, KNOWING that our biggest flaw was the tackles. Add to that the Cotchery call, them letting Aqib almost rip Philly Brown's head off and not getting thrown out, them letting them run offside on a crucial FG attempt with no call, them not getting called for blatant holding all game but we do anytime we break off a play or convert for a first down, and yeah... I can see why Wolfe felt that was the easiest game ever. And as a guy who has been a Manning fan since following him in college, he was pathetic that year. He could barely get the ball 15 yards downfield. The league handed them that chip before they even got off the bus and used the biggest platform possible to humble/humilaite Cam to send a message in favor of the old guard. Never forget... when is the last time you saw a player forced to give their post game presser right next to a guy from the other team bragging about how easily they just beat you, and after a Super Bowl to boot?? That was the biggest sham in the history of sports. Period. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if a disgruntled employee surfaces years from now and reveal a Tim Donaghy-style fix was in for that game, because it's no doubt in my mind there was.
  23. Damn, son! I have also did a good number on myself over the years with sports, but I've been able to avoid the surgery stuff and hope to keep it that way. Best of luck to you though, brother! Wishing you a routine procedure and quick and speedy recovery!
  24. No thanks to both. Funny enough, I recently just found out, after tweaking my back yet again while doing squats at the gym, that I have a degenerative disc in my lower/lumbar area. It seems we are two peas in a pod.
  25. I think it'll shake out where TMJ and/or Shi take the primary slot reps by the time the reg season gets here. Much like it's been with other positions, Rhule is playing his favorites first so it's their position to lose... he's been pushing Saunders since last preseason. Nothing against him, but from what I've seen of him, I don't see any possibility he hangs onto that spot.
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