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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. you will never convince me firing Rhule = tanking
  2. fug yes. Swapped firsts, a first next year, a second string WR and second in 2025. And before draft night? Not a fan of Fit but that is a hell of a deal for 1 overall.
  3. Honestly is would be an asinine move. But this is the same perennial 5 win FO that turned down the Burns trade and went after Watson. You can’t simply put this kind of stupidity past them.
  4. lol people act like trading firsts away will put us in some kind of five win per season purgatory and somehow just overlook past the past five years
  5. seriously. had we just tanked we wouldn’t be trading any picks. and no one cares about 2022 results anyways. anyone watching re runs? Doubtful. also if we just traded a bit more we could have had Herbert. But no, let’s cry about picks and how we need burns to lead us to another 6 wins. this team has literally tried everything in the book to address QB aside from a legit FA since they won’t come here anyways (that’s a clue btw) and it hasn’t worked. Also I don’t include drafting one with the 6-10 picks we have had year after year because that’s just leftovers and worse that trading up imo. And I loved Fields. just trade butns already and draft franchise qb potential and give this team a real chance.
  6. Swapping firsts, a second rounder and Burns would be a package I’d like to see. But I know that will likely need a 24/25 first in there. For #1…that’s the max I’d pay. If only our FO were smart enough to trade burns that’d be more firsts than any other team and wouldn’t break the bank. Just have to hope the Bears love Burns…but unlikely they love him as much as the rams.
  7. Pretty surprising people still think fit aka Rhule’s GM is legit after that idiocy. Maybe it’ll come to light when they pay him out the ass soon. Even Hurney would’ve taken that move. Saving 24/25 firsts by offering Burns in a trade up scenario is the only way to redeem that but that is slim. Rams’ offer was to severely overpay and no team will match that…yet Fit was too dumb to pull the trigger which shocked pretty much every analyst out there.
  8. Rhule may be an idiot and Wilks too as far as evaluating QBs. Somehow they thought Sam was worse than PJ (lol). And even though I’m skeptical about Reich’s past QB judgements based on religion (Wentz)…I think if this staff sees something in Corral he will get his chance before the season begins. However I personally think his ceiling is a career backup. How many great QBs went round 3 and later in the past 30 years? Like 2? People really think he 3 huh, that special? Dunno, plenty of teams passed on him and even took others before him in later rounds. Hard to argue with all of that and that statistic. But then again I had to argue Zod until I was blue in the face Carr was a better QB than Will Grier so I mean I dk.
  9. Not to mention black ass teeth and raunchy breath. And I’ll tell people straight up they reek and to come back later with gum. They act all offended cause everyone does it like that matters and I should be ok with their stank nasty ass all up in my face yaking away. Do people not know you’d have to be like 5+ ft away to not smell disgusting with coffee? And your breath reeks the rest of the day? I like the smell of it alone but not on someone. Like if you want caffeine there are a million other options.
  10. That’s literally like saying if Tepper didn’t buy the Panthers we wouldn’t have an owner. It’s not true at all. If we didn’t have a tax payers, PSL owners, and demand…we would not have the Panthers. People should really give the city/PSL owners credit for funding this team far more than the investors ever have including (in fact due to) JR.
  11. Meh…I feel like without a franchise QB or an historically elite defense, a team is always basically rebuilding. The Panthers don’t have either. And it’s coach speak anyways. No coach is going to say they aren’t going to try and win just yet. But I do think they draft a QB. I also think Burns will be traded for the ability to do that. I do not believe Reich will have a winning season year 1. In any case who really cares what happens with Darnold? I mean think about it…he isn’t the future and so the options are stay and be a cheap backup, stay and be a cheap QB for 3-4 games until a rookie comes in then be a back up, or don’t get resigned at all. Doesn’t anyone truly care what happens out of those?
  12. This reminds me a little of early Skinlab before they quickly went to poo. Love it.
  13. Or better yet get a known defensive player in Burns and a first instead.
  14. Yup, been saying this. It’s the best deal they’ll get and I am 100% in support of it. Time to rebuild properly with a franchise qb talent on a rookie contract.
  15. That’s not even adding in the QB dumbassery among other things (Thomas, oline, Anderson etc). This franchise is just completely out of touch. Hope they real it in. And people get their panties in a wad for trading a couple firsts to move up for a franchise qb talent lol I don’t get it. The above are the moves killing us, they don’t even have a risk/reward like a draft trade. They’re just dumb. Irony is had we done that properly we’d have Herbert right now and wouldn’t give two shits about those picks.
  16. How do you know that? JR paid multiple millions that included non disclosures to several people and sold it when his own ‘investigation’ was laughed at. So the details didn’t need to come out. Thus, we don’t really know what happened or the full extent of it. Generally small things don’t cost millions though. Implicating we do know the full details of the JR fiasco and how ‘bad’ it was perpetuates the idea that his money bought your opinion and illusion of innocence. Proof being your statement, which is very sad. Fact is no one knows. I believe both are pieces of poo with equal amount of slime. Difference is simply JR is smarter than Synder. Unlike Synder, JR didn’t fight past a certain point, timed and hid things well. Despite the unknowns, I suppose I logical conclude when a stingy rich man pays millions in non disclosures and sells his prized life’s work there is a lot of shadiness going on. It is quite strange to me people ignore those facts, and find it sensible to downgrade the severity because people were paid off to not share the details. Money really does rule all.
  17. Maybe I’m old school but he’s a garbage owner until results say otherwise. Feelings and money are just wonderful, results are better.
  18. It’s a harder defense vs. pass happy teams because it’s less predictable. However I agree I am not a fan mainly because a good NT is rare and makes the whole system work to begin with and the running D is already below average. Contrary to worries in this thread though, Chinn is young, 6’3 220, I see no reason he can’t put on 10 LBs and fit in, he’s a playmaker.
  19. the wayI see it is I think a lot of people are confusing it being worth it, value, and competency. Saying it never works out (Lance) is a competency issue, not a ‘not worth it’ scenario Does anyone disagree a franchise qb is worth whatever? That if we could go back in time and part with an extra first for Herbert we would? I think everyone agreees on that so the question is do you trust Reich and Fit to be able to determine if there is a franchise QB there and have the COMPETENCY to make that call and pull the trigger…and then develop him into a winning QB if you don’t, then honestly you shouldn’t really support them even being here imo that’s where I am at…Fit scares the poo out of me and Reichs recent calls (Wentz) scare me too, but at the same time if they swear they can do it they will have 3 years anyways and should be given the leeway to do so…again what’s the point of hiring them if not?
  20. How about something along the lines of trade this years first spots, next years’ first or second and Burns? Would be nice not to have to pay Burns.
  21. Nah. It’s a double edged sword. Either he had is hand in it or wasn’t looked at as qualified to. No GM that knows his worth, and is the best candidate, with options and a future, signs up to be some college coach’s bitch lol. Give me a break. Also, that ‘fired guy’ yea, he hired this guy. Use your head and think about it. This is just one of the many signs he isn’t a real GM. He is literally the only thing from the horrendous catastrophe Rhule era that this board thinks was done properly, which is crazy to me, and he is extremely overrated. It’s ok, 2-3 years some will be saying I told you so. Same posters that were whining to give Dwayne Jarrett more time after 3 putrid years and ‘but hUnRnEy 2.0!’ love for mediocrity or less to drag on while others see reality.
  22. he’s learning what everyone already knew though, at the expense of fans, then wants kudos for fixing his dumbassery and so you give it to him? Lol that’s why fans are like wtf he solidified the worst down in 30 years wtf are you saying this all star staff were signed to less time than Rhule too lol and Rhule’s GM is still here these hires prove Reich has been in the game a long time and is connected that means…exactly that i may have high standards but a winning season might be needed before we claim Tepper is a genius. I’ll even take .500.
  23. I still believe most of that is all true. He is behind the worst stretch of a 30 year history. That’s on him. And he is still keeping the yes man ‘GM’ Rhule hired who didn’t stop poor decisions being made, including going after Watson. However, this is an A+ coaching staff being assembled and that can be acknowledged at the same time. not sure why it can’t? Tepper is a ‘180 guy’ as I have always said. He gave all control now wants no one to have control. He went with college clowns and now goes all pros. Seems he’s dialing in, unfortunately as fans we will have to wait for that. He also doesn’t like people who argue with him, despite his insistence he does. That is why he doesn’t get along with Payton and Harbaugh types. Reich is a fluid, but knowledgable and easy going guy. Hopefully he learned a lot from the Colts stint. And make no mistake, Tepper wants all the credit for turning his mistakes around. It’s exactly why he refuses to hire help. He doesn’t believe it’ll be a lengthy learning curve, however with the Hurney, Rhule, ‘it takes seven years’, and Fit (imo) fiascos it’s hard to not be skeptical. Nevertheless, he has the right people now, he just simply needs to take his hands OFF. Oh and get a QB. That’ll be the tell. Fit isn’t qualified again imo to evaluate whether a guy is worth trading up for, but, and hopefully, this coaching staff is and they have some say.
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