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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. finally started reading the books and now have started the fifth, these are both my observations and things I have read. I'm convinced the three heads of the dragon are: Dany, obvious, (mother died in childbirth) Jon, pretty much confirmed- past season of the show dropped mad hints at this even at one point Master Aemon saying "oh poo Dany I feel so bad for her, she's the last Targ remaining, only to have Jon walk in perfectly timed and have the camera pan to him, (mother died in childbirth) Tyrion, one green eye and one so dark (could be purple)- Aerys + Joanna = T or better Aerys + Twin + Joanna = T and the polyspermy is what caused Tyrion's dwarfism and explains why he has the ruling prowess of Tywin. Tyrion has dragon dreams and had a dream where one of his heads was crying as he killed Jamie (the Lannister one). Tyrion is the only confirmed person to have met both Jon and Dany. GRRM has said the ending will be bittersweet meaning that two of these three will probably die in the final battle with the White Walkers: which I'm also betting happens at the Trident, Oh yea and also about Tyrion (mother died in childbirth) If the three were to have children it would not only advance the Targ bloodline, but would also introduce Stark and Lannister blood into the mix. Less convinced about the following, put on your valaryian tinfoil helmets/condoms/socks: Bran is meant to warg into a dragon, but he's fighting for the wrong team. The children of the forest and the Three Eyed Crow made a deal with the Night's King. Three Eyed Crow wargs into Cold Hands (Benjen Stark reanmiated) and brings Bran in, to help them win the war by warging into dragons (the one true threat to the White Walkers) and having them turn on Dany's army. Varys and Illyrio are somehow on team blackfyre and are, much like little finger, using the chaos to help advance their chance for power (not my idea but I agree with it) Littlefinger in a desperate ploy to fug poo up, uses wildfire to destroy the wall and allows the white walkers through. (again not my theory but I like it) Finally, Arya or what's left of her is sent on a mission to kill Bran because he is fuging poo up, and when she does she realizes she has truly lost who she is, so in her final act she kills herself as Arya, because she realizes she herself has become the monster she originally set out to destroy- so essentially she adds her name to her own list (my own theory). I want to add that I love Arya, she is one of my favorite characters, but she is a character that is going to have a tragic story arc- bet on it.
  3. that's disconcerting to hear about the offense
  4. if we are able to keep all those guys on PS I would be real happy
  5. my god our LB corps could be absolutely nightmarish by season's end. just in time for a Superbowl run
  6. That face when: you get home and steak is on the table:
  7. crap completely forgot about Ginn yea definitely take off Boykin/Byrd
  8. KB, Funch Master Flex, Corey Brown, Cotch, Bersin, Boykin/Byrd it's too little too late for Brown - might try to stash Byrd on practice squad, but Gettleman will be wary after the Tyler Gaffney debacle
  9. this is really promising. After LT, secondary was our biggest question mark
  10. lol ^ that guy above me is a fuging idiot just pre-ordered the taken king; someone hold me
  11. I don't think I will ever "be tired of Kelvin Benjamin highlights"
  12. wouldn't do it, Kalil is well liked in our locker room. would rather draft a LT prospect and groom him on a rookie contract
  13. interesting you say Remmers is being groomed as a center- surely Kalil is here for awhile longer right?
  14. There are three guys we NEED to play well this year- these aren't sleepers 1) Oher 2) Ealy 3) Funchess Sleepers are just icing on the cake after that
  15. I certainly think Atlanta will be better this year and the Saints will be worse. Tampa Bay is the real wildcard in the division- will they be bottom dwellers with the Saints or compete for the division? Saints are about to be in full rebuilding mode next offseason (i.e. life without Brees) bank on it
  16. oh don't get me wrong- I don't necessarily agree with the backlash- I just want my subreddits
  17. Obviously the Huddle is my favorite website, however over the past few years a few particular subreddits have won my heart. Currently, a bunch of popular subreddits are "going dark" or "going private" meaning the mods have locked them so that no user can access them. I won't lie I'm a little perturbed but I suppose it's evolve or die- where else should I be visiting? inb4 lemonparty, ******** and whatever other joke you thought was funny in middle school
  18. I hate judging drafts before the players even hit the field; but man did Atlanta have a good one
  19. so luke smith is a total dick bag and as of right now I won't be buying the Taken King It's such a shame, I know this game gets a ton of hate for failing to live up to expectations and a lot of people don't like it, but I've loved it. I'm embarrassed at how much I have played this game, but it really has been so much fun. To put it in perspective I have purchased: shadow of morder, halo anniversary, and the witcher 3 ......and have barely touched any of them. Destiny just keeps drawing me in. Up until this interview I have been a staunch advocate and supporter of Bungie and Destiny, but I don't feel that way anymore. I won't kid myself I'm still going to be playing for awhile, but if I don't end up purchasing the Taken King: this is the beginning of the end for me.
  20. I liked Sherrod, hope he can find a place in Chicago
  21. Hot + no coach + last practice = lackluster day That being said I feel like this everyday at my gym which apparently considers air conditioning the devil
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