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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. Wouldn't do it for a first but pretty much anything other than that within reason I would. Aiyuk is a special WR. If Bryce pans out wonderful. If he doesn't you want to give the next guy weapons. This league has turned into an offense- pass driven league. If you can't put up points and yards in the passing game you aren't winning a superbowl
  2. I'm not a Tepper fan but after we botched the Burns trade to the Rams I'm not surprised Tepper wanted to know about any trades before hitting the send button
  3. with offenses going lighter at skill positions Chinn is actually a perfect modern day linebacker. I still have no idea why they didn't move him back after he showed he was struggling as a defensive back
  4. I think we can agree that one of the main reasons this team is so bad is because our drafts have been consistently awful for what seems like 5 years now. Fitterer definitely played a role in that
  5. Fitterer was not a good GM during his time here but he's served under successful front offices before, doesn't mean he's a bad hire. I think Fittterer ultimately will be judged for mishandling the Burns situation. The draft selections are impossible to know how much Rhule and Tepper played a hand in
  6. Very interested in both edge and honestly WR again. If the guy from Arizona turns out to be a stud and worthy of a top 5 pick I would take him But edge feels like it's going to be the move in next years draft
  7. Jonathan Vilma is by far my least favorite announcer. It's not only his antiPanthers bias that I can understand, it's that he clearly doesn't watch our team outside of the game he is currently calling, he has Facebook level commentary
  8. 7-10 would be incredible I see us winning 2-3 games
  9. True dark horses Offense: TMJ, showed some promise at back end of Wilks season. Defense: DJ Johnson It would not surprise however if either of these players get cut during training camp hence the true longshot bet
  10. Fitterer completely botched the burns saga no doubt but I do think it's funny all of these leaked and supposed trade offers are coming from other teams and not the Panthers
  11. yea just imagine how differently we would be viewed if we had gotten two picks for Burns then gave Chicago our 9 that year + the two Rams firsts. We select CJ Stroud. This year with our top three pick (god knows we still would have sucked) we take MHJ
  12. he also wasn't in the schedule release video...just saying man signs are there. It's a conspiracy for a reason though
  13. agree with your post. My point is that I think there has been a directive from the top for the social media team to intentionally not overly broadcast Bryce like a team normally would with a franchise QB
  14. I will just say this, they did it with Cam, the offseason he was cut we all knew something was up as he was noticeably missing from a lot of the promotional material. Then the whole rhule debacle happened with him releasing the video saying they wanted him back before they realized they were going to be able to sign Teddy
  15. After watching these i have a conspiracy. I think the Panthers are very seriously considering moving on from Bryce after this season if things go poorly. Particularly in episode two Bryce is not shown a lot nor is mentioned much. It's all about "building the team and the culture". Nothing we have done this offseason would preclude us from dropping another rookie or a veteran in next year. If next year is a trainwreck and we have the number one overall pick again, why would Morgan/Canales stake their jobs on a guy they ultimately both didn't hand select?
  16. I have heard conflicting reports on the following: Can this money be used towards the lightrail/public transportation or not? In one report I read it can not because that doesn't fall under "tourism" another I read that it can. I feel like that would be the biggest argument against the city giving tepper 650 million. Lightrail needs more stops including one to the airport (which admittedly I have heard is a logistical nightmare) I've kind of made my peace if Tepper ends up moving the team. I likely won't root for the Panthers anymore it would be nice to just watch the NFL and enjoy it without having a team that makes boneheaded moves after boneheaded moves and continously ruin my sunday
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