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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. Destiny is so strange for me. I see all of it's shortcomings and completely understand all the criticism it gets. But whenever I have time to game, I find myself playing destiny. It's incredibly addicting and utilizes the same principles gambling does: i.e. flashing lights of exotic weapons and the random number generator for loot. Furthermore, one thing Bungie nailed is the gameplay. One of the best FPS games I have ever played. Say what you want about the story, the content, the DLC, hell even the lack of matchmaking for raids, but when you get into this game, I find it hard to get out.
  2. Reddits subreddit for destiny is pretty good imo
  3. Damn that was insanely clutch to take down Crota there
  4. Jimmy Clausen, was thrown into an at best moderately talented NFL team, with a lame duck coach. That being said, I have never ever seen a QB as incompetent as him. He had literally 0 confidence in himself
  5. props to Jase for directly confronting Rap on this
  6. Rap has a source in our organization, I'm betting almost anything whoever tipped him off made him delete that tweet
  7. not saying it wasn't bad news, but he is out right lying - he did tweet about Cam Newton, whether or not that tweet was true is a different story
  8. This is matt Ryan if he landed a State Farm commercial like Chris paul. Fat Ryan.
  9. not to assume too much, but it seems like she was looking for a settlement and didn't think she would get a jury conviction
  10. my expertise is not legal matters: does this mean Hardy is cleared of all charges and this is officially over?
  11. No poo losing Hardy is going to hurt, but if you have been paying attention this has been a long time coming and is a justifiable decision.
  12. you just proved why the original post is flawed, Hardy and R. Lewis aren't even comparable anyway. Smitty never killed anyone just punched a few teammates in a sport filled with the highest levels of testosterone known to man and centered around hitting people. Smitty also was a class act off the field. Again not really the same thing going on here.
  13. essentially 1 superbowl he was a non-factor and actually one of the worst players on the Ravens defense during their superbowl run. That is not really the point of my original post though, if you cheer for the Panthers, you inherently bound to JR and his code of having players with a strong moral compass. If winning is all that matters to you as a fan, you should cheer for the Patriots
  14. Voth reported that Hardy wouldn't be back in a Panthers uniform as early as Sep or Oct. Jeremy is friends with and logically trusts Voth as he has a really good handle on our organization. So yes that post was sarcasm.
  15. If the boat is in the Atlantic, you just jumped into the Pacific. Regardless of the outcome of Hardy's trial, the guy has consistently proven to be a headcase that you don't give $80 million to. I, for one, am not going to claim to know his status in the locker room, but is it not telling that not one player spoke out for Hardy during this whole mess? Baltimore should have left Ray Lewis go, I'd much rather cheer for an organization that values humanity over winning. Life is greater than football.
  16. this is not referring to you OP, but honestly who the fug cares? the Pats clearly deserved to be in the Superbowl
  17. especially after this Hardy case, I have a hard time believing that Richardson would sign off on this
  18. if anyone is on xbone add me: GastricBeerpass I have a level 31 hunter (nearly 32) and a 30 Warlock
  19. This is a good game which is all I wanted really
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