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Everything posted by TLGPanthersFan

  1. What do you think? You are the King of Hot Air. You should know.
  2. Sure you can talk about it all you want but it is still just hot air. Hot, Meaningless air.
  3. I mean yeah you pretty much are gonna have to sit back and accept it. Cause, as you have pointed out, anything we say on this board means squat.
  4. He seems to possess patience is areas he shouldn’t, like Rhule last year or Fitt, then areas he should, like correctly building the team.
  5. Hating Tepper is the way to get clicks. I guarantee a lot will be lies that will dilute the truth.
  6. The article is a joke also it is a bit too soon to say that no one wants the job. Interviews won’t begin till January. No one is actually taking Greg wanting the job seriously other than stupid people.
  7. What does this have to do with the team? It was only Greg who said he was interested. No one within the organization has expressed interest in even interviewing him. It is just an article written to get clicks not to be taken seriously.
  8. People will ask about Fitterer and I have a bad feeling that the answer will be Tepper has no plans to fire him.
  9. Why do people make such big deals of the owner having weekly meetings? Would have thought that would be normal. I think even Richardson met with Rivera for meetings during the season.
  10. How do you know this. Are you an NFL insider or is it a feeling. I listen to a ton of sports shows and none have said Tepper has a terrible reputation.
  11. He fired Rhule to try to salvage the season. I feel like this firing is to try to salvage Bryce.
  12. If the offense had of looks halfway competent even if we only had 3 or 4 wins at this point I think Reich would have been safe. But he couldn’t even accomplish that. Also why the hell is Fitt still here.
  13. Reich isn’t freaking developing Bryce Young. He is actively ruining him.
  14. Maybe he is finally coming to that conclusion? Not holding my breath.
  15. I can't see that meme without thinking of the fiddle-dee-dee version.
  16. He is a short QB. Him sucking was predictable. So, no, he won't.
  17. We appear to keep being poster child’s of bad decisions. GM, College Coach and now drafting a short QB first overall.
  18. Rapoport is reporting on twitter that Reich will be evaluated at the end of the season. So looks like an in season firing by will not happen. At this point it really doesn’t matter. Seems like a lot of teams this season with coaches that are likely going to get fired are waiting till the end of the season.
  19. Well there is always next year and if Reich and Fitt are still here we may get another first overall pick. Problem is 2025 QB pool ain't looking that impressive.
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