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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. I feel the opposite. If he wants a sacrificial lamb then he would just let thomas brown keep calling terrible plays for this terrible offense. If anything this is Reich falling on the sword.
  2. How are we going to be the most conservative team in the NFL at 1-8 and absolutely nothing to play for.
  3. That doesnt make up for our boring dated schemes and creating schemes that don't fit our personnel at all. Thats entirely on the coach.
  4. There is a difference in 40 times and football speed. A lot of the fastest wrs as far as football speed ran mid to high 4.4s and they are way faster on the field in pass than Chark.
  5. We have the least talented overall roster in the NFL in my opinion. No matter how much you try to blame others besides Fitterer, there is no world where a GM who has been here for years shouldn't be replaced first and foremost.
  6. Jeez the panthers are so bad shes stepping away from all sports media entirely lol
  7. I could have it backwards but pro personnel moves and draft moves have all been bad so it doesnt especially matter I dont guess.
  8. I could be mistaken but I believe he is mostly over the scouting of draft players and our drafts have been awful. I like Dan Morgan, he was a beast when he played here and it makes a good story, but I'm tired of stories. I want to win.
  9. To be fair they definitely sold out going hard for a couple of those field goals lol
  10. I wonder how Tepper feels seeing the stadium overran with Colts fans. Its always overran by the really popular teams, but the below .500 colts?
  11. Honestly this offense feels exactly like the Jimmy Clausen season.
  12. At least the other terrible seasons we had our first round pick so it felt like there was a silver lining to being terrible. This feels about as hopeless as it gets.
  13. Down 27-13 with 3 minutes and no timeouts and still stacking 5 yard passes.
  14. I have followed the panthers as a die hard since 2001 and I think this is the lowest I've ever felt as a fan.
  15. We are a terrible team already, not sure why the refs feel the need to screw us too.
  16. I think that helps Bryce a huge amount too. Allows him more time to see the defense instead of rushing in to snap the ball as fast as possible.
  17. I dont think anyone will give 2 firsts for him anymore and I think there will be drama from franchising him. There almost was during training camp this year just because he hadnt been given an extension. If we franchise him, we wont get the 2 firsts to trade him and he definitely wont be happy here. Fitterer just keeps burying himself further and further in a lose lose situation instead of just admitting his mistake.
  18. I would have moved him for a second before letting him walk for nothing but maybe a comp pick depending on the offseason or over paying him.
  19. He definitely did. Im not saying he played perfectly. Also there were definitely some plays where he had time and no one got open at all. Some of them were definitely coverage sacks.
  20. It seemed pretty clear. Our oline gets totally abused on half if all pass play calls. Especially our LT.
  21. It tells them not to come here without expecting knee jerk impulsive reactions from an owner that already seems maybe overbearing for lack of a better word.
  22. I think this is a bit silly. First off you fire coaches quick like that it definitely affects potential coaches in the future. Also its just too early. You fire him then what? Most people would say give him two years. Im not quite that patient, Im ok firing him after this season depending on how the rest of the season goes. I don't care so much about final record as much as wanting to see improvement and the team start to form some sort of identity. The person my patience has entirely ran out on is the GM.
  23. We need to be sellers not buyers this season. Besides that we need to add speed at WR. Hopkins isnt that anymore.
  24. I wouldn't. Not because I dont think the team wouldn't be better. I think we would probably have a couple wins. Wilks reminds me of a Rivera. A pretty solid average coach that the players love that we would stick with way too long to be average. While Reich on the other hand it looks like may be replacable very soon.
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