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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. If they play just as bad does it matter if they're scared or not?
  2. There's only one game left and his contract is up. What would be the benefit of demanding to be released now besides most likely cementing any chance of another team signing him next season.
  3. What would be the benefit of that? Hes gone after this game. It very well may be the last game Cam is on an NFL roster. Hes had a great career but it is coming to an end. Darnold almost certainly going to be on the roster no matter how much we hate it. There is no reason to change qbs for this game.
  4. He 100% talked bad about Sam. When he made that video about coming back and he said the panthers checked all the boxes, a chance to be a starter, and he went check check check a million times. None of this even matters. He was saying the team wasnt playing good enough to win lately (it is clear hes talking about multiple weeks in his comment) and that is also clearly true.
  5. I 100% have lol. I've said from the start its impossible to fully expect any qb to play well with our oline situation and I've also said no qb on our roster is good enough to win the team games... in not sure where this stupid argument comes from.
  6. Thank you for pointing that out. So many people are frustrated and trying to have a witch hunt its killing this place. Is it keeping the huddle more active than it would normally get under these circumstances? Sure. Is it worth it in the long run? I dont see how it could be. Why come somewhere that is overwhelmingly negative all the time beating the same dead horses.
  7. I've said multiple times for months hes not good enough. It's interesting how saying anything at all negative about 2021 Cam makes you a Sam dick rider.
  8. Hes not good for sure. It seems like Rhule definitely plays a part in the ultra conservative passing game because its been a constant his tenure here regardless of qb or oc.
  9. That's not necessarily how it works bucko. I'm not sure when or where he had time but regardless they arent going to run many plays with deep routes as the primary ones when they arent sure they can block that long.
  10. That pass was slightly behind. Darnold had a free rusher coming directly in his face and DJ let it bounce off of his chest...
  11. They cant count on the oline to block for the qb to throw it any further than that.
  12. Neither are going to win us games. That's my point...
  13. One of the problems is there is no time to pass much besides short quick passes. There not really babying the qb. There is a reason they basically get instant pressure every time we are in a passing down.
  14. He was out of the pocket though. Jordan was on the edge at the time and Darnold was outside of him. That's why he grabbed him from behind.
  15. He hasnt looked better than Sam in any game Cam has started... the guy is what, 0-13 now in his last 13 starts, and some of you are still certain hes the answer. Look in the mirror.
  16. I think they should lose out too, just the amount of negative even in situations when there shouldnt be or re-treading the same posts about someone's uncle's brothers girlfriend says Rhule is getting fired so lets make a bunch of post about it, or let's make a million posts about the same interview because it's what we want to hear.
  17. You guys are delusional. Cam is clearly no better. Let it go.
  18. This place has turned into more of a cesspool than the panthers lately.
  19. I like how yall are already scrambling for no reason. It's barely into the 2nd quarter
  20. You werent who wanted to bet me about Darnold are you? I cant remember who it was.
  21. I understand the frustration. I understand boo'ing. I dont understand boo'ing a player for coming into the game. I think PJ is clearly the worst qb on the roster and I would never consider boo'ing him for coming into the game. Especially when we know how hard they have worked and how dedicated all the qbs on our roster have been. They just arent good enough. If they were coming out like Robbie and saying it's ok to lose basically it would probably be a little bit different maybe.
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