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Panthers Rhule

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Everything posted by Panthers Rhule

  1. Teams never get to draft a QB where they'd like to. They draft them where they must IF they even can. Yeah, everyone knows what a powerhouse Pitt is. I guess you were right. What were we thinking? Yeah he killed it. Watch some of his game tape too. He hits the long ball dead on the money. He escapes sacks, throws running to either side with accuracy and power. His throwing release is fast and he reads defenses. He can also score TDs with his feet. For a prospect, he has everything except the cannon arm but it's still a good arm. Give me accuracy over a wild cannon any day of the week! Do you see those 50 yd bombs???!!! This dude can play.
  2. Why do you say that? Just curious as you didn't give any supporting details.
  3. So, if we win it's the first sentence and when we lose it's the second???
  4. There is a chance in everything we do. Any other selection we make will have chance in the equation. We just have to limit that chance into the most logical one. The one that is most certain. In Las Vegas they call it playing the house. That's when you go for the best bet. After that, you've just got to play the game.
  5. Saddened. I would have to admit that I was wrong and I would change my name. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm hoping we WERE in because of Watson. I don't think this would be a good signing. It's imagining potential again. He only plays half a season. If we were a playoff team and I thought I could have him there then yes but for us? I don't like it. But it does depend on the contract.
  6. Let's hope so. Could you imagine if they drafted a QB who played pretty well in the minor league of collage football after transferring from Auburn? I can't. People are just rolling with the storyline and imagining his potential becoming greatness. Dude played at Liberty. He's not going to come in play anytime soon.
  7. Assuming his job is in jeopardy, of course. Which I don't think it is and especially after this FA. But that's just my opinion.
  8. This free agency is the best we've ever had. Whether or not yall like it.......Rhule is in this too. This is a team effort. Everyone is involved. They have a plan, cap space, a great FA market and they are in on every deal. I'm guessing that they aren't looking as bad as they did yesterday to many. Keep Pounding!
  9. I agreed with 100% until the last line. I see this as a signal that we're drafting a QB at 6. Especially if they're going for Armstead too.
  10. Do you see the contradiction? He's a part of this too, you know?
  11. But we don't know what the Panthers want. None of us do. I want Pickett. I think we should take our shot now when we should have the chance because I feel he could be our guy but what the Panthers think is anyone's guess right now.
  12. Another thing, now that they have Watson AND Mayfield, trading for Mayfield just got much cheaper for any team who wants him. I'm glad to hear that's not us! But the Browns lost value there too. This deal is sooo bad.
  13. In my opinion it's first. We're the only one of the four teams that are actually better now than at the start of free agency and we have a future ahead us.
  14. I was going to say the same things, lol
  15. Actually, the article only says that Wilson refused to waive his no trade clause to come to Carolina. It mentions nothing about the other 2's reasons specifically and it doesn't mention Rhule at all in that context. The media is already bad enough with the truth without people misrepresenting what they have written to fit their own personal ideas about what maybe happened. I know it's important to keep activity up after the Watson boom but retreating back into the same ol' posts about (insert name) sucks isn't going to do it. That's why the activity had decreased until recently. We get it. You're unhappy. But it's boring.
  16. Can't find that article anywhere. Does he say specifically that they wouldn't play for Rhule? And does he tell HIS source? I have trust issues with Journos.
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