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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. This is the last time Jennings is likely to be in the spotlight during his NFL career and he knows it and he's enjoying it. I'd bring him into our locker room in a heartbeat. His Vikings teammates couldn't have been more complimentary on how he handled himself and how he helped the younger WRs.
  2. I keep hearing people talk about Gettleman's "style" and what it seems like he will or won't do. The guy has two years of GM'ing to look at and both of those years he has been battling significant cap issues. There's simply not enough info to go off of to make any real conclusions about Gettleman and what he may or may not do. Sure, we all know the rhetoric that Gettleman has preached, but actions speak louder than words.
  3. No GM bats 1.000 or even close to it in the draft. Honestly, can't understand that Gettleman's two draft classes here so far are really damn good, then I fear you may just be dumb and unfortunately that's a condition that is unlikely to improve.
  4. I don't think we ever even showed any interest in him. I know we did show some interest in the Bengals' Brandon Tate. I think he was our backup plan if we couldn't re-land Ginn.
  5. Maybe Roman Harper actually IS a turtle. He certainly moves like one on the field. The neck provides strong supporting evidence.
  6. They'll almost certainly end up settling out of court with Tynes too. $3M settlement for ending the career of an elite OG at the age of 27? Yikes. Nicks got fuged big time.
  7. $35M is ridiculous, but there was definitely a curious rash of MRSA infections from that Bucs organization a few years back.
  8. We would've paid him if we thought we could've trusted him. It wasn't the money issue, it was the trust issue. The BS that went down this year just reinforced that not paying him was the right call.
  9. Hell, I can make a highlight reel for Sammie Coates and he probably has the worst hands in the draft.
  10. If he had good hands and football skills with his measurables he'd have a lot better college production. The guy's hands looked allergic to leather at the combine in drills. Dropping everything.
  11. We were drafting a football player, not a future PhD candidate. Classroom performance doesn't necessarily mean anything to NFL teams. Hell, they know a lot of these kids are just in college to try to get to the NFL. There's no interest in the academics at all. Legal issues off the field though? Yeah, that's a big deal. Especially with this team. JR just spent over $13M last year on a player who sat at home almost the entire year.
  12. If it was a track and field event, he'd be a top 10 pick. Unfortunately the guy couldn't catch a cold if he was sitting naked in the arctic.
  13. This. We just let a proven elite NFL pass rusher walk due to off-field concerns and everyone knows how much Gettleman loves his pass rushers.
  14. Yeah, the FA WR market is starting to become like the RB FA market. The elite guys are still going to be paid very well, but unless you're elite you're not getting big money. Just too many rookies coming in and playing very well recently.
  15. It's just a piece of the puzzle. A fast 40 certainly doesn't mean a player will be good and a slow 40 doesn't necessarily mean a player will be bad, but it's part of the evaluation process.
  16. You mention Randy Moss and Dez Bryant, but conveniently leave out guys like Josh Gordon and Justin Blackmon.
  17. No, I agree. But that's just where we're at. It's really incomparable to any other industry because in other industries you have to work your way up the ladder to get in a position to make millions. In pro sports, you're taking kids who oftentimes come from rough backgrounds handing them millions of dollars and throwing them in the spotlight immediately. When you think about it, it's amazing that there aren't a lot more Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf type stories out there.
  18. It's definitely not crazy when you're talking about making the type of huge investment that spending the #1 pick in the NFL draft represents. It's bigger than just the money. It's the value of that pick. It's the fact that a #1 overall draft pick QB is going to immediately become the face of your franchise. A franchise that's worth upwards of a billion dollars. It's a HUGE investment and anyone with any sense would commit a lot of resources to make sure the right decision is made.
  19. A couple of years ago, a Harvard student group actually broke down the analytical skills of both Kiper and McShay. Their findings? They're both equally terrible. https://harvardsportsanalysis.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/equally-inaccurate-an-analysis-of-mel-kiper-jr-and-todd-mcshays-draft-rankings/
  20. Forgot about Brandt. He's a good one too. Everyone's opinion is just that - their opinion. There's nothing anywhere even close to a consensus in terms of a player's draft prospects. Every team's draft board probably looks quite a bit different based on their scouts' opinions, their needs, and the type of systems they run.
  21. Kiper and McShay are loud mouthed hacks. The only national media "draft experts" I pay much attention to are Cosell and Mayock.
  22. I think the media has picked the Saints and Falcons to finish ahead of us every year for about a decade straight. It's certainly nothing new. It's as if the media thinks every other NFCS team has the ability to improve while the Panthers are bound to be worse than they were the previous season. It's weird.
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