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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. It was reported that’s what the Panthers tried to do but the Bears wouldn’t do the deal without DJ
  2. Nothing groundbreaking here, states the obvious. Gist is that he seems positive about the trade.
  3. I think it’s all just smoke and mirrors in the offchance we can hustle the Texans into thinking that not only are we good with either of the top two guys but also might take the guy they want. Don’t see it happening but crazier poo has happened.
  4. Excellent write up, all very good and accurate points. Good content
  5. DJ is a bonafide #1. I think he’s legit starter, especially when he gets the ball in his hands he becomes elite YAC machine. But he’s not top ten or twelve in the league and I’ve seen multiple outlets claim as such. It won’t be easy to replace his production right away but I think not only will we obviously bring in at least a couple pass catchers in FA and the draft, and not only do I think new QB, coaching and scheme will allow a lesser WR to replace his production, but I also think that TMJ is ascending. He might not put up DJ’s usual 1200 yards this year but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he matches DJ’s usual TD production or even surpasses it. And I think Shenault is capable of more than those gd bubble screens that got wore out last year. At the very least some quick crossing routes and skinny posts which are similar in difficulty and skill set required but at least start beyond the los.
  6. I like Young a lot. Of course his twigginess is scary, much more so than his height. But his ability to extend plays is certainly next level. I think anorexic Russell Wilson is a good comparison, but Young might be better at reading the field and making quick decisions. He’s my second choice but wouldn’t be mad at all if that’s who Reich and a Fitterer choose, I’ll trust in Reich’s plan.
  7. If we go WR at 39 (and hope we can snag a top tier TE with the next pick) then Flowers or Downs would also be intriguing.
  8. I haven’t watched much, just got to 9, Parker Washington looks like a good target for the third round. Looks like a shorter DJ. Use 39 to get a TE and our third on this guy and maybe not much drop off in our receiving corps. Looks like a solid complement to TMJ. With a pick in the 4th or so maybe target a project burner to stretch the field.
  9. No, there’s no chance whatsoever. Just because Tepper once upon a time a while ago said he likes him doesn’t mean that both his opinion hasn’t changed or that he’ll overrule the football guys and force them to take the guy he wants. It’s Stroud or Young, barring them both getting arrested for murder or something between now and then.
  10. Again, both teams WOULDN’T know who the other is taking. The team in control (the Panthers) would NOT let it be known who they are taking. The whole thing would be predicated upon the Panthers masking their preference. The Texans would have to tell us who they’re taking in order for the Panthers to entertain a trade. They don’t want to reveal it? No trade. They reveal it and then go back on their word? Pariahs. No one will deal with them in the future. Not worth the risk. No team has ever done that and I doubt they ever will. Again, I don’t think it will happen just because it would only take one slip up to tip off the Texans who we’d want and sink the whole thing. But it is possible.
  11. I negated nothing. You just aren’t capable of understanding. The Texans would have to tell us who they’re taking. Where did I say something that negated the Texans being honest about who they’d take? We wouldn’t say who we’re taking. It’s not dumb just because you can’t comprehend it. I’m not saying we’d be ok with either. You just aren’t very good at reading comprehension. I said very clearly we would know who we want, but we would have to hide the fact that we have a preference. It’s really not that hard to understand, you just don’t want to.
  12. There’s no chance they wouldn’t. If a team were to lie about that, it would destroy their credibility to every other team and GM and no one would ever trade with them again. They would get the NFL scarlet letter. There’s no legal way to force them to take who they said they’d take, but the fallout from the deception would ruin careers.
  13. One last time because you obviously don’t understand how these things work and have no interest in knowing. The trade would depend on the Panthers making the Texans think we could go either way and therefore a risk of taking the guy they want. The Panthers taking the trade would just tell the Texans that we’d be ok with either guy. That’s it. I’m done trying to help you understand a point other people were making, especially since I don’t really think this trade will happen because it has too many points of failure. But it IS possible if you understand how NFL draft trades work.
  14. I’m sure they do know who they want and the comment about “still liking two guys” is just gamesmanship in the off chance they can hustle an extra mid to late pick out of Houston. There would be absolutely no risk if they do trade down though because they’d know who Houston is taking.
  15. It seems a pretty good portion of the huddle don’t understand football or how draft pick trades work. They keep harping about risks and Texans wouldn’t tell us and don’t realize THATS HOW ITS DONE. They’re trying to apply non football logic to a football situation.
  16. Yes they would, it’s standard. If you trade up, you tell the team you’re trading with who you’re taking. No team is trading down if there’s a chance you’re taking their guy
  17. I don’t think this will happen, if only because I doubt we’ll be able to keep our preference sufficiently hidden.
  18. Any such trade would almost certainly happen on draft night, on the clock, and we’d know who they’re picking. A team wouldn’t lie about that because then no one would ever trade with them again.
  19. I keep seeing people saying words like “risk”, there would be no risk. We’d know who they’re taking…
  20. I think one important detail people are missing is that the Texans would have to tell us who they’d take at 1 for us to trade with them. It’s gamesmanship, we would have to not tip our hand which QB we’re taking in order to make them think there’s a chance we’d take their guy even though we’d be ok with either, all while knowing exactly who we prefer.
  21. The best we could probably hope for would be #34. Realistically I’d take a 3rd. Wouldn’t do the trade at all of they were targeting our #1 (hopefully Stroud) and that would make us take our 1b. If we’re dropping to 2 and getting Stroud regardless, then honestly I’d take anything, it’d be a freebie.
  22. It’s not going to be Richardson. I could see him if we stuck at 9 or maybe if we went up to 5ish, but #1 has to play soon. Richardson will need time, I don’t think there’s any debating that. He would also be just way too risky to be giving up all those picks for.
  23. Heh yea. I can’t think of one decent WR they’ve drafted.
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