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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I assume this is your first?
  2. I lived in Greensboro through the mid 80's to early 90's and the same thing happened there over time. I knew every inch of Greensboro and where to go and where to keep your ass out of. I don't recognize the town now. Asheville is trending that way now. I'm just getting old man.
  3. Sounds eerily similar to Asheville, NC. I moved here 20 years ago and it was much different then. It's gotten too crowded for me.
  4. I'm considering selling my home later this year but fear it will be too late and will be stuck with this mortgage and no job. I have debated whether it would be money saved to just sell out and rent an apartment until my son gets out of college this fall. I'm saving a lot by him commuting to class from home. His younger brother may just have to delay college for a year and work construction. It will be a good motivator to get his ass thinking about his future. But yeah, I want to head west after I retire, if I get to. I want to own a ranch in Montana and marry a round American woman and raise rabbits.
  5. That is the wise thing to do if you are living paycheck to paycheck, which the majority of us are. It will come in handy if you have to wait for an unemployment check.
  6. I'm expecting salary dumps in every sector. I'm a prime candidate, senior exec 3 years from retirement eligibility with a salary in the range you would expect for my experience level. Easier to replace for half the cost.
  7. It is eventually going to get a lot worse if something doesn't give soon. I may make it until the end of this month but after that who knows?
  8. Sorry to hear that brother. Rumors are circulating that we will be furloughed in the coming weeks. It's only a matter of time before I will be joining you on the unemployment line.
  9. You know those chairs can move right? And they can wear masks. It not that complicated.
  10. Probably not but I wouldn't use it as a blanket statement without current numbers.
  11. That's not exclusive to the South.
  12. There's corruption all over government. That's just a fact of life sadly. You will see news today about the DOT shortfall blaming it on the Covid-19 outback. That is only a half truth. The real truth is it was circling the bowl long before this outbreak due to mismanagement from the former Secretary and his minions. That you will not hear them say. But I digress. Maybe for once our government will do something for the people instead of their friends.
  13. I agree to an extent, but there's many more professions that benefit from infrastructure spending than construction. Construction is what you see at the end of the process. The vast majority is the white collar workers that make construction possible. That's the part the public doesn't see.
  14. They same infrastructure bill that we've heard about for nearly 4 years now? There's no way the House will let Trump get that through before the election. Not trying to turn this political but if you are being honest with yourself you know it's true.
  15. Who's going to be able to afford it when you're unemployed? If it's part of an infrastructure package sure. But broadband expansion is way down on the list of things this country needs right now.
  16. I'm out of moves if I get rifted. My entire field of work is going belly up. There's nowhere left to go for me and my fellow engineers, especially at my age. It's bad for everyone so I'm not whining about. I worry about my son finding a job when he graduates from college soon.
  17. States are struggling all over financially and a lot were before this outbreak. NC was struggling to pay contactors before this happened, many of which I personally had to cancel contracts with whom I've worked with my entire career. The full financial impact is yet to be realized even if everyone went back to work tomorrow and the virus was fully gone. I'm afraid we haven't seen the worst yet.
  18. We have been working to mitigate the impact of bad policy decisions that date back nearly 2 years. We are out of options at this point. Furloughs and rifts are all they have left to offset the budget crises that was in place before this outback. As soon as we went into lockdown it was only a matter of time before it went full belly up. The unemployment numbers are going to skyrocket soon.
  19. I work in state government. It's been bad financially for nearly a year now. This pandemic is the final nail in the coffin so to speak. I have a conference call tomorrow with Raleigh management and I'm expecting bad news for my employees and myself.
  20. I think I have eaten at this restaurant before. If I get back to Statesville again anytime soon I will drop in and get something for sure. Glad to see you back @Johnny Rockets.
  21. I propose home delivery 24/7.
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