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Everything posted by BIGH2001

  1. Slye is the football equivalent of John Daly. Yeah he can hit it far but you never know where the fug it’s gonna go.
  2. One thing you need with an anemic offense is a really good punter.
  3. I once saw Madison Hedgecock at a grocery store in Chapel Hill wearing his Rams jersey. Circa 2005.
  4. Exactly. It’s really not any different than a late season game when we are 4-10 and going nowhere. The coaches would likely want anyone who isn’t a cornerstone player to start and get reps.
  5. We went 5-11 with a clear need for a franchise QB and we spent our top 10 draft pick on a freaking DB. He might be a great player but wrong pick at the wrong time.
  6. Exactly. He was paid like a coach that's actually had NFL success. He needs to be a lot better than a 5 year plan. Each year without a legitimate NFL starter at QB is a wasted season. Given that it takes a rookie QB 2-3 years to develop into a threat, Rhule is way behind the curve here. Darnold showed nothing in NY and I have no idea why that would magically change now.
  7. The difference is TB and Seattle have proven quarterbacks. We have no reason to be hiding our starter on the bench.
  8. I can’t figure out why the majority of posters are giving so much rope to the objectively awful decisions that are constantly being made by this staff. God knows no other head coach for this team would have been given that kind of slack. I’ve felt Rhule had a strong chance to be a fraud from day 1 and he was given an unwarranted massive and long term deal that put little pressure on him to win now. As a result we are seeing a team that clearly has decided winning isn’t all that important. I have no idea what they are doing.
  9. This franchise was never much to write home about but we did have some modest success and a couple of outstanding years pre-Tepper. I would like to politely ask what the fug Tepper and Rhule are doing. We are in danger of becoming the Lions unless these clowns get it together soon.
  10. Get a franchise QB as soon as you can. We are on year two with trash from other franchises.
  11. There is no 3-5 year process in the NFL. This isn't college. You don't build an NFL team like a college team although our owner and front office seems to think you do.
  12. The same guys that approved a year of Bridgewater I guess.
  13. Who in the hell is responsible for his backup QB situation?
  14. This game is setting football back 50 years.
  15. Joe Brady doesn’t need a preseason. He’s already in mid-season form.
  16. Sounds about right until we acquire an NFL caliber coach and QB.
  17. Another long year with a terrible QB courtesy of tepper and rhule.
  18. I wonder when people will start to realize that this guy is in way over his head. He’s a college coach.
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