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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. Ahh yeah the ole Rhule beats so and so to drop us from 1 to 5 or some hilariocity...i'm thinking positive thoughts in my negative thoughts here Scot sheesh
  2. Another year will tell a lot obviously. Still pretty weary of OSU QBs but what do you guys like about Stroud/does he compare to someone?
  3. Well its clear that people are turning Rhule down so maybe the McAdoo "connection" lol its so funny to even say that would assist in getting someone. Not saying that someone is Doug because I wouldn't come work anywhere near this team given what I've seen.
  4. That gets said about every prospect ever. The question is what makes you say that.
  5. FWIW McAdoo is better at everything/anything NFL than Rhule is so there's that
  6. Yes of all the two people who would actually join a lame duck situation we got the best one of those whippeeee Its the Panthers remember if McAdoo had any hope anywhere else that's where he'd been have been. Went from consultant to OC ofc someone would take that. We only have people who were banished to the shadow realms as candidates...Gruden lol. Used to be in good terms at least.
  7. Yea no way is Brady better. The fact is having a lame duck HC who no one respects or wants to work with is what shot down the real candidates so its the situation that just keeps on giving
  8. "He dresses like poo and sweats all over himself. He dresses like me and Tepper, so I have to love the guy."
  9. OFC Reddick would get squeezed out ahahhaahhahahahaha over ....you guess it....corner ahahahahahhahahahaha Na I mean PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  10. And pointed it out to the ref in a breakdown even they could understand. Painted the mental picture so when he saw it live it was already a image that he's seen. He didn't say "he's gonna hold our guy" - that's Matt Rhule level of thinkin he did something.
  11. Might be best we can do seeing as how we're getting turned down lol
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