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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. I am not sure it isn't worth considering. At least we can see if it the offense rather than Baker. Backups like Geno Smith are doing a good job for Seattle and making a case to start. If PJ moves the offense then we know where the fault lies and can he be worse than Baker at this point??
  2. I have to agree. I was at the game and when Arizona scored late to go to 20 points I told my wife that it was over once the other team scores more than 17 points. I remember feeling that way with Clausen but never expected Baker was going to play so poorly. Not only can't I sell my tickets if I wanted to, I have friends who don't want to go for free. Now that is a sad commentary.
  3. Looking forward to being there I will be rocking my #51 Mills jersey and hoping for the spirit of Sam help the defense shut down Arizona. After all Wilks might know them pretty well.
  4. Rios was on fire tonight. In great spots and ran the pitch and finished his opportunities. What a fantastic win. It was electric tonight.
  5. Now you know why I wanted Lattanzio for coach. We dominated Philly tonight from start to finish. We outhustled them all night and our passing was largely good.
  6. I like his style of attack and his emphasis on hard work. We struggle sometimes matching the talent of our opponents and have to make it up with effort and outhustling the opponent. He is definitely what we need as a young team.
  7. Winning cures everything. Losing eventually makes players not trust the coaches. The next several games will tell the tale. I think it is too early yo say he has lost folks yet. We are playing teams close despite the blunders poor QB play etc. But a few blowout losses and we could be there.
  8. Should be easy to tell. Let's look at the effort this Sunday. Should tell us a lot about how true this is.
  9. If you saw his hands distort and forearms extend it looked to me to be spacity and a fencing reflex associated with a moderate TBI often seen when a boxer gets knocked out. With 2 so close and the second one worse, it is going to take some time and Tua better think about his future much like Luke had to do. He is at higher risk for another one for several weeks if not months.
  10. It is about DJ and Baker both understanding what to do depending on how the corner plays DJ. Couple that with plays designed to scheme him open in space and let him do his thing. You scheme to get your playmakers open instead of always counting on them beating their man.
  11. Didn't see much insight in that post. If Rhule keeps losing he will be fired. DUH.
  12. Clearly the reporter was baiting DJ to say something controversial or take a shot at Baker or Rhule. DJ stayed classy and professional with his response. I thought he handled himself well. Nothing to see there.
  13. Let's be real here. That was Teddy Bridgewater who I never saw him throw a ball that far in his life. I thought he must have heard the concerns about his arm strength and actually got stronger and added some muscle. I always thought he was too spindly not to get hurt.
  14. Even if he only stole things from Dallas and other stops he should be able to put together better than this.
  15. I can only hope that the offense can be much more complicated and productive if Baker understood it better and was on the same page consistently with the receivers. The scheme isn't good if this is all there is.
  16. I didn't expect a new OC with a new qb would be lights out right out of the gate. I hoped it would be much better than it has been but I don't think this is our best. Baker played better than this for Kitchens for heaven sakes.
  17. I think it is just the opposite. I can't imagine we play worse. Yesterday was more the floor than the ceiling.
  18. Nice opinion. But that is all it is. Your opinion based on your analysis of what happened. No better or worse than anyone else's opinion. And you are entitled to it just like everyone else.
  19. I think our offense isn't maximizing what we do well. Why is CMC not lining up in the slot and terrorizing opposing linebackers. Why aren't we using trips right or left and running picks and smoke routes. Why don't we give Baker layup passes early to build his confidence. McAdoo and Baker aren't on the same page yet and frankly the receivers need to do a lot more to help Baker out. The Saints receivers were snagging balls out of the off and off the turf and our guys dropped passes hitting them in the hand.
  20. It is called a rumor for a reason.
  21. A nose tackle isn't the same in body style or function in a 3-4 versus a 4-3. A nose tackle in a 4-3 which is what we largely run has to be able to sit down and take on a double team in a running situation while also being able to collapse the pocket internally against the pass. Brown has both the size to hold his block but the speed and athleticism to collapse the pocket.
  22. When he was motivated. Problem was he was rarely in good shape and disappeared for series at a time. His motivation was often suspect. I think he largely wasted his talent.
  23. It takes time to become a really good nose tackle and Brown is still learning. Expectations were so high because he was a top 10 pick that I'd was inevitable he was going to get a bust label if he struggled at all.
  24. Brown has always been better than folks here give him credit. He is a beast and just needed to refine his technique and get his NFL body through a pro regime of strength building. Now that he has some good talent around him teams can't gameplan against him and have to.play him straight up which helps him win more battles
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