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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Or Heinke thought that it would be better for his career if he stayed out of the Hornets Nest/Spotlight that is Washington Football right now. Taylor has a decent career ahead as a backup qb. No reason for him not to let Howell be the focus of Washington media attention.
  2. This If Tom Brady had protested, he would still be in the NFL playing somewhere. If Will Grier protested, he would not be in the NFL.
  3. When a terrible and shocking event occurs, rumors and accusations fly. Someone says something offhand, and it builds and spreads like wildfire. It will take several days before the truth or at least part of it, comes out. And even then, some won't believe it.
  4. I am fine with the NFL waiting 30-45 minutes to make the official call. As long as they eventually make the correct call. As far as the league telling players they have five minutes, I want to see some proof that was said and that it came from the league. If there is some, then someone deserves to get called out. But until that proof is forthcoming, it's just the usual misinformation that occurs in an emergency situation.
  5. Some might. If they do, I don't blame them. Fwiw though, I don't remember anyone retiring when Darryl Stingley suffered an injury that left him in a wheelchair, but times are different now.
  6. I bet Tee Higgins feels especially bad right now. He apparently did nothing wrong, but even being involved in something like that could be a very traumatic experience.
  7. Interesting comment about fans showing up at the hospital. I commend the interest, but given what is normally going on at hospitals, I hope they know enough to stay out of the way of the people doing their job.
  8. Or just waiting for the traffic to clear. Had I been there, I wouldn't have been in a rush to leave to go sit in traffic.
  9. I think the fans concern themselves too much with the coach being defensive or offensive. If you look at the most recent SB winners, its fairly well balanced between offensive and defensive coaches. I mean Gary Kubiak was a offensive coach who won a SB with a great defense. Mcvay is an offensive coach who won a Super Bowl because his defense shut out the Bengals in the fourth qtr. Sean Peyton was a offensive guru who only appeared in/won a single Super Bowl despite having one of the best qb's of all time. Bill Belichick was a defensive guy who won 6 superbowls with one of the greatest qb's of all time. I just want a good one, don't really care which side of the ball that coach came up on.
  10. Perhaps, but the reality is Brady hasn't been pressured much this year. But most other teams actually covered the receivers. I watched the Arizona game last week, and as bad as Arizona is, and as little pressure as they had on Brady for most of the game, I didn't see Evans running in almost a straight line down the field and blowing by the secondary multiple times.
  11. We sacked Brady as much or more than any other team has this year. The secondary play was horrific.
  12. We got more pressure on Brady today than we did when we beat them earlier in the season. But our secondary was far better then and their receivers were worse.
  13. When has anyone gotten consistent pressure on Brady that significantly impacted his performance. It doesn't happen often. Even SF didn't get a lot of pressure on him. Cleveland has a better dline than we do, and yet we both had the same number of sacks against Brady. Our dline play wasn't terrible. We shut down the run game, and did get some sacks on Brady. But our secondary was horrible, end of discussion.
  14. To the op, sorry for your loss. To everyone else, no one should ever let sports impact them to such an extent that it impacts their mental well-being. Today sucked, but I am mostly over it now.
  15. Actually, it wasn't that bad. We had more sacks against Brady than most teams. Brady has only been sacked 19 times this season before this game, we added three more today. I believe that only Cleveland has gotten to him three times in one game this season. Our secondary was horrific.
  16. Our secondary performance today is almost as bad as the 2016 game against Atlanta.
  17. Probably, but the whistle/delay of game may have distracted him a little.
  18. Maybe, but the secondary has been Horrible. I understand Norman hasn't been with team very long, but he can't be worse than we have seen today.
  19. Luvu is probably our best playmaker on D, especially with Horn out.
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