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Everything posted by NorthTryon

  1. Well he had three really good weeks of practice according to Rhule. Who knows what that means with his unique eye for talent evaluation. None of these Temple and Baylor bums would be on any NFL roster!
  2. The way Brian Burns was getting absolutely manhandled by Kittle, he should super be on the block. See if they can get somebody's first or two seconds. Call the Rams.
  3. And it has to be like that. If they say anything contrarian then boom, they are labeled a malcontent and depending on the bias may get ran out of football.
  4. To which Rhule quickly replied "no, no We don't have a tell". At least they scrapped those RPOs and alignment to start the next game. Sad state of affairs when HCs are even addressing ESPN commentator's hot takes.
  5. What I remembered after watching those 2003 clips were how intelligent the run game was back then. I specifically remember during the Colts game how Collinsworth was talking about how many parts our running game had, how complicated it was, and how many things they could do out of the running game. Henning would have three big bodies hit the hole before the RB and the other side of the defense chasing a reverse. It just seems like our running plays now are just smash into the line hoping something opens up.
  6. It was the MO of every Cam hater long before DJ was drafted. Do you not remember this?
  7. Hahahahahahahaha! And fans used to whine incessantly about how Cam threw high. Reap the harvest!
  8. This was great! I can't stop laughing! And right after the opening thread post! We have thrown so many 3rd round picks in the shitter.
  9. Same here, people that know me from back in the day will try to reconnect with texts and I don't even respond. I eventually tell them I'm off that narcotic.
  10. I was in the barbershop talking sh*t a few months after they cut Cam. This guy was like man you don't like Teddy Bridgewater? Man he's pretty good. My response was dude in his best passing statistical season he didn't pass for as many touchdowns as Cam ran for in his MVP season. Everybody's eyes got big like damn I didn't know that and then I stirred the conversation towards the Eagles cause I was seeing red. Easily the most disrespected MVP ever!
  11. This was exactly the case with Baker's bum ass in Cleveland. He had a good defense, a top o-line, weapons galore, and was still garbage. Only Rhule and Fitts would trade to sign up for that disaster.
  12. Correction, Rhule is and will probably try to extend him before he gets fired.
  13. This feels like a dystopian movie. All we need is Tepper at the end of all his sound bites to be like "And as always mediocrity will not be tolerated". And we as the fan base just work with our heads down because we know it is.
  14. Shi Smith is like a video game WR that has a lot of speed and you can build his other attributes up because he is always open. In real life though, it does not compute across the board and its nothing but a bunch of drops and terrible routes. Also, the Robbie hate is not crazy. He is a malcontent pouter who wishes he could carry Ted Ginn's jock. He has super mediocre route skills and suspect hands as well as being one of the worst blocking WRs to step on the field. He may be our most productive WR, but that ain't hard to be right now. Let's not forget how many times Baker missed DJ this weekend.
  15. All I see is pics of TMJ making all of these tough grabs in practice, warming up in social media feeds before games. He has been injured, but it just really looks like he just hasn't been given a shot. Everybody here is already wagging the finger at him with the get your shite together posts, but seriously we don't know anything about the situation. Every other receiver from that team is a stud and in school they fed off of him and the inability to cover him one on one. This just seems like another Rhule BS doghouse problem.
  16. Someone tried to tell me last week that this had been debunked. I asked for some proof and they gave me nothing. Tepper is a joke and he wanted to fire the only coach with Tomlin's track record. It still doesn't make sense. This Steelers argument doesn't make sense either as he fired Rivera after winning five games in a row with his back up QB. Rhule has only won five games a season.
  17. Exactly, it was meltdown city by the Aints. They acted like they won the championship.
  18. ESPN could care less about the Panthers. They are willing to let our beat writer die at his desk like its DSS or the tag office. And since they don't care its an easy gig for Newton.
  19. The Dolphins would have got it right three years ago if they had drafted Herbert like Flores wanted and actually wanted to win at the time. Having said that, they are still light years ahead of us.
  20. This is sad. 0-7 and get them out of here.
  21. Ron didn't believe in DBs! Some of the best defensive backs in the history of the Panthers played under Rivera! They were rarely out of position save that one Atlanta game. Ron didn't have final say over roster moves like Rhule, so he had to work with whatever Gettleman and Hurney got him or left him with after contract negotiations(JNo). The main example being the coaching staff wanted D. Adams and S. Diggs. Guess what nipple shorts did? You remember KB and Funchess right? Rhule would've got those two receivers which is exactly why the roster has been littered with Temple and Baylor rejects over his tenure. The rest, I totally agree with ya dude.
  22. My friend was like Rhule does own Kingsbury at Arizona going back to college. I was like we only won that game last year because Cam came out of nowhere and scored two touchdowns. Consequently, that was the last game we won. Facepalm emoticon loading.
  23. Dude!!! I mean some mediocre years in college and a one year stint as an NFL OL assistant. Its like the character in Catch Me If You Can. How the hell did this guy's name become the hottest name on the coaching circuit three years in a row? In the illustrious words of Charlie Brown, "Aaaaarrrrggghh!!!".
  24. That's why I even opened this thread! Hahahahahahahahaha, I was hoping it was a hot seat article with a quote about Tepper's frustration.
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