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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. watch him light it up and we lose him due to him being hired as HC elsewhere
  2. GO PANTHERS really need a pick me up Hokies suck Fantasy teams struggling.. come on panthers gimme somethin to make me feel good about football
  3. its not like his slide caused him to get caught in the turf and get injured looked weird but was totally safe in doing so
  4. thats prob his career right there
  5. he needs to go. for his sake
  6. im not dying on this hill any longer im going to youtube go panthers
  7. id rather let dalton get some reps.. god forbid dalton has to go in.. knock on wood.. or whatever the fug else.. knock on wood.. knock on wood.. but bryce is that prospect that is abnormally small.. knock on wood.. if bryce needs to miss time I believe we have the team to win i want the backup to be capable.. which dalton is.. i guess and think.. tbh ive had beers they are taking effect .. i put my point out there and i feel i backed it up.. this is what im known for on here to huddle vets im going to tap put now.. LETS FUGGIN GO PANTHERS THIS IS THE YEAR REICH AND YOUNG ARE GOING TO fug SSHIT UP ight i said my piece goodnight
  8. dude.. you have no idea.. the deeper the dynasty league, the better
  9. like that sponge bath your mom got in the hospital where 3 people had to be there to roll her over
  10. Not that I'm unique in my opportunity to see actual practice and games.. theres a lot of fans that do that.. but the fact i was able to for the first time this year really put some things in perspective for me.. let me put it this way.. we arent "developing" matt corral.. When i saw the joint practice with the Jets.. dude had SCRAPS .. he had* the last rep or two in every drill.. 7v7.. 11v11... I barely saw the MF.. and then all of a sudden he plays most of the preseason game.. ?? the fug are we developing? I sure as hell did not witness "developing" in practice.. And its not like he ws bad in practice.. i barely saw the MF.. how is he going to develop? fugin virtual reality>?? the dude clearly isnt in our plans (what i saw from practice) ..... (aka has not been given a fair chance)... .. and im not saying the panthers are in the wrong.. we got our guy and the backup.. and from the impersonal entity of the panthers.. we are trying to trade the MF! but, it didn't work.. you did not prepare the trade piece.. the trade piece.. is no longer trade piece.. because of that, let the dude go.. he aint going to get you a "pick" .. let him go..
  11. ive known this for years and years but i know the exact clip which your user name is referring to.. just so you know
  12. I agree from the perspective of the Panthers.. But As a fan and believer of Corral.. or even being put more in a more reductive depersonalized from pathers way.. an "Owner" of Corral in several Dynasty Fantasy Leagues.. I wana see him let loose ASAP. basically the best thing for Corral would be to be let go ASAP
  13. The Corral starting the entire rest of game after bryce was a stunt to gain trade value.. it backfired.. we didn't score a point man.. again, I believe in his talent and if the right system and situation can nourish his strengths and give him an honest shot to develop and compete... I think he can be successful.. but that aint here.. and the thing is it may be of no fault to his own.. I think having guys trying to "prove" themselves with backups and no gameplan is unrealistic to real life NFL sundays.. Let the Kid go.. And if I had to bet, he will be let go.. Good Luck Matt.. The NFL is a ruthless unfair place I hope you get your opportunity.. keep grinding brother. Worst case be that journey man backup QB that makes a couple M a year to "backup"
  14. just wana let yall know you don't wana be in a league with me cause i'll just smoke every last one of yall its not very fun for anyone other than me
  15. dude was pure ass i understand theres external circumstances, a lot unfair... past and as present as last game.. I like Matt Corral but the best thing for him is to be cut as soon as possible and to catch on elsewhere, where he can have an honest shot at competing. The longer he is here, the more dis-service we do to him.. granted he was a 3rd round pick. If he was viewed as a top talent at QB he would have been taken as such. He wasn't. Was he given a fair crack with optimal circumstances? No. But thats the question and answer for a whole lot of aspiring NFL players. He no longer holds trade value, and Andy is a much more reliable backup. Time we let him go and he can have his pick of the daisy and he can compete. At this point hes a hostage of ours. Id rather let Dalton get a lot of reps just to get him in mental shape. I still believe corral is very talented and with the right coach, and right opportunity, he could succeed in the NFL. But we have Bryce now, we have no need for a "sleeper" QB. Dude needs opportunity and he will not get that in Carolina.. knock on wood of course Matt Corral was the twinkle of hope in that Ben Macadoo offense. I hope the Panthers do the ethical thing and let him go soon.
  16. someone needs to stuff Jansen and Hekker into a locker. their act they put on is cringe
  17. felt ok after first team came off field but being shut out 27-0?
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