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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. low IQ extroverts the worst
  2. everyone needs to just stay the fug away from people for a few weeks
  3. once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. one benefit i get and a huge deterrence is seeing some of these patients come in with destroyed health and destroyed lives. its like GAT DAMN! Im glad I nipped it in the ass before my health snd life was destroyed. it was close I was definitely at a crossroads. Im still a POS sshit poster no doubt, and a giant ass on here. thanks for your apologies none needed. Thats the image I produced on here thats all me.
  4. i used to have a drinking problem, I overcame it, got through nursing school, and now work as a psychiatric/detox nurse to help others that have the same problem I had. If anyone can relate to these patients and not treat them as inmates, its me kiss my ass
  5. Im a Registered Nurse, fug my life. yall better pie me up
  6. Hey whats the pink and purple triangles mean in your background pic

  7. pie me if u feel me. Let me know who you are
  8. Aw dude hell the fug yeah i was born at the wrong time.
  9. yeah he has so much opertunity to tear sshit up and do what DTs are known for noob
  10. Hes pretty dark. My fat sister alwaya wears black to look smaller. Maybe its that.
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