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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. We didn’t need a thread for that. It’s pretty much a given.
  2. Not exactly… a classmate in high school’s dad was from WPA. That made them de facto Steeler fans. Other than that? Same reason we have Dallas and Washington fans. It’s all they showed on TV.
  3. Cams little brother told him about the song. The rest is history. And he DID start it.
  4. Systems themselves rarely last more than 1 season before DCs figure it out. Its those other skills that make a coordinator. If those skills develops he should be fine. If not, he’ll be back in LSU.
  5. Nothing beats seeing them in their natural habitat. I felt so much better about myself after seeing Pittsburgh in person. As if being Pittsburgh wasn’t bad enough, apparently the furries invaded. It looked like a messed up mascot convention.
  6. I must register things a little differently. I saw a list of lowlights that was flat boring. We cant even suck right. We didn't get scorched by the author. Thats not because we are so awesome they couldnt find material. Its because we are so bland and irrelevant nothing was entertaining enough to include. If we hadn't lost to Brady and Manning he would have had zero to talk about. If that doesn't gut punch your fan soul youre a stronger one than I.
  7. Aging QB doesn’t want to get back alley prison pummeled by free rushers. More at 11.
  8. He was looking like a vet cut anyway. That’s 2 veterans Fitt was going to cut that he managed to trade for draft capital. Thats big league boys.
  9. Father-in-law is a real Lions fan. Like, from northern Michigan. Saw the Lions win championships as a kid only to witness this throughout his adulthood. I don’t like the lions but I keep tabs on them just to have stuff to say at thanksgiving.
  10. Not a bad 3pt% but he aint Curry and this is not the NBA.
  11. I'm not even sure how I found it. I was watching Dorktown videos and this popped up.
  12. Did we know anything about YGM being involved with this?
  13. At this point I treat it like seeing someone you know while driving. You sit up straight, smile big and wave like an idiot. You see that same person at Walmart and you cut down the first aisle to avoid speaking. so, yeah. PFF
  14. Newton could say grass is green, the sky is blue and water is wet, and I'd still go check.
  15. Didn't see it in the search. ****Warning: It stings.*****
  16. The man has paid his dues playing in Detroit his whole career. Im sure he wants nothing to do with a team that’s been sub .500 since 2016. Stafford has more than earned his right to choose.
  17. I have one of those too… It’s been 6 years. Not 1 word. Not 1. He knows he’d have to poo his own teeth if he brought it up. Thats was a dark period for me. At the time, the team was all I had. That loss took something from me. Obviously it’s not a good plan to channel all of your emotional and mental stability into a sports team. It don’t go good…
  18. It’s hard not to blush when someone else falls in love with your home. We know Robby, this place is the tits. Welcome home Slim Reaper, welcome home.
  19. He didn’t play and they still put him top 50. That’s respek.
  20. “Why his face get all serious?” ”That man had a flashback!!”
  21. I was going to read this thread… made it 2 pages. Some of you are not good at this. A 2 year deal, starter money. Not even top-15 money. 2 years. In case you guys haven’t picked up on it yet, but the Darnold experiment will have 2 seasons to work. The GM has set the stage for the next 2-3 seasons. Now it’s up to the players and coaches to go figure it out.
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