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Everything posted by philit99

  1. What’s the difference? speaking to Tracy Morgan.
  2. Agreed. How much money did Richardson shell out for his creepy messages? Money sure seems to cure immortal statements and actions.
  3. See I cringe when I read this, yuck. However, she stated that she would not entertain his sexual advances. He did not force it further, he did not go into her no-no square. Is this creepy? yes. Does Watson seemingly have issues? yes. Is this illegal? That is the question.
  4. I agree that is it a bad look, no doubt. I’m pretty sure that Watson is not innocent here. However, the circumstances are just too large to ignore. Any victim here should have their day in court, period for both sides. The fact that this lawyer states that it is not about money but about a changing the NFL culture is the dumbest thing I have read in years. Really, a lawyer not interested in money? Shiiiiittttt, yeah right. Huddlers and Panther fans would be embarrassed and horrified by some of the off-season shenanigans that young players do. Young kids, big money, big fame, usually equals poor decisions. The biggest question I have is why did these women wait to jump on this lawsuit, how far back does this go? What evidence do they have, text messages, Instagram postings? Hopefully, this will get resolved and either the female victims receive justice or Watson is exonerated. Watsons reputation is ruined, I mean people still talk about Brett Favre and ole Super Bowl champ teabags McGhee.
  5. Conflict of interest anyone? This will probably remain a civil issue, and my guess is it could be settled out of court. Watson could still be a slimball, but the probability of him playing anywhere in the NFL next year is high. I wonder how the wine and cheese populous in Charlotte feels about Watson in a panthers uniform if those cases are dismissed? Watson's credibility will forever be altered regardless of the outcome, because he has been convicted in the court of public opinion.
  6. That’s ok, my ex wife says I am wrong all of the time. Watson clearly has issues, but the shear number of complaints points to character assignation. I ask you Mr. Scot, if Watson never wanted to leave Houston, would we be having this conversation?
  7. I have to be honest here. I would never condone predatorial behavior, nor do I advocate sexual abuse. However, I am positive that the term masseuse should be loosely affiliated with some of the ladies. This does show a character issue with Watson. So a rich, handsome, famous NFL player needs to resort to hiring “masseuse” for pleasure? I’m positive he would have no problem having any girl he wanted so I don’t understand the need to mess with masseuses. If this were Vegas and a bunny farm, no one would bat an eye. However, if you think I would fly someone from Atlanta to Houston to rub my quads, you are crazy, and I’m sure her suitcase was full of church clothes too. It is absolutely ridiculous. Who is the victim here? Furthermore, how many other NFL players are shaking in their boots over this ordeal, and if Watson shells out money, boom watch out. This will turn into the “you too” movement.
  8. Who remembers Jaimie Naughright? This is the woman who claimed Payton Manning teabaged her as a UT trainer in 1994. The lawsuit was filed in 2016 (after Payton’s Super Bowl win over us). Yep money talks.
  9. Amen, especially forced oral. I mean how can you force oral, pretty easy stop that. The first to suits were more less just character assassination. Now 9 cases, and why are some from a while back and just now coming out, did the Texans protect him? Something just doesn’t smell right. Sexual assault is no joke, but this seems more like blackmail to me. There are people out there that would turn a consensual situation into “force” if money were involved. This reeks of money. I wonder if there will be a counter suit and if so, it will be massive. Lawyers can fug the whole world up.
  10. Ok Mr. Scot I haven’t seen any articles claiming oral sex, can you provide one? I have only seen where his privates touched ones hand, and that he wanted fingers in his anus. <- fugging yuck. Oh course you have better sources at this point than I, so please share where you got that info.
  11. Houston is trying to damage his credibility on the way out. They know he is gone, and they are hell bent on destroying him professionally. Everything I have read does not qualify for assault.
  12. I complained about the same thing. I guess NOLA restructures and releases whoever they need to. It is frustrating.
  13. Oh man that’s horrible. Prayers to the Johnson family.
  14. Now Winston gets a 1 year $12 million contract. Just how the fug do the Saints manage to sign large contracts so far in the hole, while we struggle like hell.
  15. WFT going after both Ryan Fitzpatrick and Mitch Trubisky? Wow. I also see that the 49ers are interested in Trubisky.
  16. You can compare athletic ability and you may find a Steve Smith every couple of years. However, I have yet to find another WR for any team with that heart, drive, and sheer determination. There may only be a Steve Smith every generation or so, but in my opinion no one in NFL currently has his passion, drive, desire, attitude, and trash talking game. Fred Smoot is somewhere still crying about his boat, and Talib is still icing up.
  17. The goaltending may be our biggest weakness. However, Reimer and Ned have held up well. Teams that are ultra physical will still give us fits. All in all it is a good time to be a Canes fan.
  18. 10-4. I have my bag of popcorn handy to see how the Saints will get out of this one, it should be great entertainment. I hope they have to field the waterboy to make 46.
  19. Did I miss something? The Saints still show that they are 62million in the red. Where did 19 come from?
  20. Zod, if your watching or listening, please bring back the 100 post minimum. I know some posters are excited to join a community but the redundant amount of info is becoming miserable. The huddle should be a source of topics and good inside information, not conjecture and posts after posts of the same material.
  21. Don’t care, I’d release him before the new NFL league year. In other words, I would fire him on his day off. lol
  22. Whitehead, you gave up too many yards including while on the bench. Happy trails....
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