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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. For tall teams maybe but PJ's better than Kai on both ends. He's like an undersized 5 and Kai is an oversized 4. Both of them playing the 4 is the dream and will take the team to a new level I think.
  2. They'll match whatever. Same folks making this controversial would be clowning them if they gave him a max from the jump..
  3. Jordan’s not going to let his plan C head coach run his moneymaker out of town that much I’m sure of.
  4. If they knew sacking him meant having no coach by the draft they probably would have bro
  5. It's disappointing but y'all are crazy if you think MJ and Mitch are going to give him carte blanche to run the team the same way again. This is the LaMelo show now and they all know that. My hope is that with this roster he can be pretty hands off offensively and just give them defensive discipline. And that he was given a stern talk about player development.
  6. I don't blame Khalina for that Columbus goal at all. Defender should have cleared it, had no business tapping it to him with one attacker breathing down his neck and another in the box. We've given up multiple goals this year passing back with zero regard for the opposing team's positioning.
  7. My only issue with Baker is that it's a lot of extra drama for someone who may not be much of an improvement in the end. I'm not usually one to worry about locker room culture but when we have Darnold in his fragile state and we're trying to bring up Corral I'm not sure if adding a diva to the group who may be mediocre helps.
  8. Played his last year in college as a WR. Big Ten's TE of the Year before that.
  9. Need some halfway consistent play from the offensive line first. A clean pocket every now and again doesn't mean much if the QB has no faith in his protection.
  10. You should go buy a lottery ticket. Cool news though. The NBA ladies are better dancers, maybe Justine will change that.
  11. They've been saying this for like three years now so yeah, they gotta show me. I'm on the other side of the coin and only play online. Still sucks and never really changes. The only mode they EA puts time into is Ultimate Team, at least FIFA was a solid game at its core.
  12. On pure talent do we have the worst team in the league? I don’t think so.
  13. Swiderski’s gotta come back as the greatest MLS player ever or he just sank the inaugural season on ego
  14. I hope they package them in a trade for a defensive center, ideally with Hayward thrown in. Need one ASAP and we have enough young guys to develop as is. I agree with this. Would be very dumb and risky for the whole thing to be a sham but slam dunk picks like AD to the Pelicans and Patrick Ewing to NY in the first one were just way too convenient. As far as tanking goes though there's just no point anymore with the new odds. 14.5% chance at the #1 at best and bottom 5 teams have basically an equally shot at it.
  15. No reason to flip he's got more than enough to own all three if he wanted. The Glazer family who own the Bucs and Manchester United have a fraction of Tepper's wealth.
  16. To bring Christian Pulisic back to BOA I'm pretty sure. The Liverpool vs Dortmund game was Tepper's first go at soccer in Charlotte if I remember right and Pulisic was the big draw.
  17. /thread Mother's passing led to weight gain which led to jokes/criticism that he was in no state to handle.
  18. I hesitate to even call it limiting his usage because we don't need to give him the Todd Gurley treatment, just not the highest snapcount in the entire league like we've been.
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