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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. First thing any lawyer will tell you regardless of guilt is to say as little as possible so you don't incriminate yourself. Literally basic legal procedure.
  2. It's clear some of you don't care to read about the case and are just running with whatever you want to believe. Miller already planned on picking up the guy up and was on his way when he got the text, he just didn't wake up to "bring me my gun" at 1AM and decide to deliver it. No, I would not ask a follow up because I'd assume a guy who forgot his gun would want it back in his possession.
  3. Leaving a gun in your backseat as a top NBA prospect would be dumber than giving it back, and most reasonable people aren't going to call the cops on a teammate for owning a gun because there's nothing illegal about that. Easy for y'all to act self righteous now with the benefit of hindsight but he acted no differently than most normal people would in the situation.
  4. What should he have done instead? Go back home with the gun that was left in his car? Call the cops on his teammate for owning a gun?
  5. Questioning his judgement because of the company he keeps is totally valid. The "fans" here comparing him to Carruth and even Miles, two guys who knowingly committed heinous acts, are extremely out of pocket.
  6. Some vile things being said about our #2 pick already. Please get your facts straight before just burying the man's name. Police cleared Brandon after reviewing an extensive amount of evidence including texts, his dashcam video/audio, and surveillance footage of everything.
  7. Looks like LaMelo’s girlfriends…
  8. The trolls are everyone treating Miller like a murderer.
  9. They believe he was BPA. Do your thing young man. Stroud/Young again fr
  10. I think coming home is Zion’s best shot at getting right but I’d worry about the immaturity of our big 3
  11. I’m getting whiplash going from Bryce Young’s super media trained interviews to Miller. Think it’s just his personality but he comes off as aloof, that’s honestly my biggest concern.
  12. Couldn’t have said it better. I think both will be good but we’re not the right place for Scoot to thrive, and I think Miller’s ceiling realistically is about Brandon Ingram. I’d rather gamble on an established star that we know could be a game changer for us than bank on Scoot becoming a franchise shooting guard or Miller becoming Paul George.
  13. You should actually read up on the situation man. It's not even clear there was wrongdoing on his part and you're comparing it to beating up a woman in front of her children.
  14. Hard to compare them directly with these stats. NCAA 3 point line is closer and they only do one free throw at the line in the G league.
  15. I keep hearing this but Scoot playing on cruise control last year is what opened it up to debate to begin with
  16. Genuine question: what concerns you about his off the court situation? That there might be more to the story than what's come out? Returning the gun doesn't reflect poor judgement to me.
  17. They’ve been looking for a wing like Miller for a long time and with Hayward coming off the books he really does slide into the lineup nicely.
  18. Showing their hand only makes sense if the pick is 100% Scoot, otherwise that's just killing the trade value with nothing to show for it. I'd be so mad if they stopped taking offers in the name of fan service.
  19. Imagine hearing "New Orleans wants to send Zion to Charlotte but Jordan is holding out for Brandon Ingram" in 2019
  20. Yeah, as someone who doesn't follow these guys until the draft time it's made it hard to get a read on them. The media can't imagine Scoot sharing the floor with LaMelo and our fans act like Miller isn't worth a lottery pick.
  21. Pray for Eric Collins if this happens
  22. Sounds like the pelicans want Scoot and the hornets threw Zion and Ingram out there
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