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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. Pre-Gase was his rookie season. If I remember correctly, Manning was putrid his rookie year as well. But he had a quality supporting cast and offensive coaching beyond that point. Not saying that Darnold is Manning but come on man. Gase is hot garbage and has a horrible record of talent development on his roster.
  2. Jets fans are dancing...because they lost a Top 5 pick for a 6th round pick in 2021 and a 2nd in 2022; a team that has shown it can't draft and retain talent for anything? They basically gave away their 24 year old QB for peanuts while having a Rookie HC and still no decent offensive coaching staff to speak of. Odds are they make the wrong draft choice in 2021 while the Panthers see Brady turn Darnold into what he was projected to be coming out of the draft.
  3. Are you a Scout? Are you a GM? Are you an NFL coach? Maybe they should seek your opinion next time they make a deal. Darnold is likely worth more than we gave up for him.
  4. How was Tannehill under Gase? How was Tannehill once he left Miami? Clearly the couch GM's and Scouts are out in full force today.
  5. Tannehill got out from under Gase and has gone to the playoffs twice while playing at a near Pro Bowl level. I'll take the bet that the Panthers are not only better with Darnold than Teddy but that Darnold under Brady during a normal off-season will blossom.
  6. If he works out, what's wrong with it? Nothing. Former Top 5 pick playing with the Jets who thought that hiring Adam Gase was a good idea. You saw what happened when Tannehill finally got out from under him right? If anything, the picks are worth the development time either way. I prefer Darnold to everyone in this draft not named Trevor Lawrence.
  7. So what we learned is that Short requires a real 0 tech to play next to. Him and Star were a perfect duo for one another.
  8. That division 2 school beat the states darling tar heel blue just two years ago. They actually drafted a QB, tried to turn him into a receiver in an Era where Foxball was still prevalent. Odds are he could've been a better QB than Jimmy Clausen though, at least he beat Michigan.
  9. I personally think that should be done. This franchise changed for the better while he was in Charlotte and while he was polarizing for some, his overall impact was incredibly positive. His stats, 55 TD's in 2015, speak for themselves. I personally wish the talking heads wouldn't gloss over his stats from that season as it really was one of the single greatest individual performances in THE MODERN ERA.
  10. They didn't lose a single game by less than one score and were a 2-point conversion away from beating Clemson. Tell me again how they were a bad team.
  11. Everyone other than Tom Brady and Rivers who was in a new system was below their career average. If I'm GM, I'm giving Bridgewater one more year with normal off-season workouts that actually include coaching with offensive staff before I'm cutting bait. Our playbook was likely severely limited and what wasn't limited wasn't practiced nearly as much as it otherwise would've been. Id expect nothing less than .500 in games decided by one score or less and actually believe we could be furore effective in those situations with normal practice schedules. People need to understand than of the Panthers go 5-3 instead of 0-8 in those games the Panthers are 10-6. If the Panthers break .500 we are 9-7 and in the playoffs. I blame COVID partially because Bridgewater showed some moxy in leading the team throughout games until closing when you require scripted play calls that require practice and familiarity. Count me as the oddball here,, but I won't be as upset as most if we don't draft a QB in this draft at all.
  12. We had an odd off-season in 2020 and sans Tom Brady every QB in a new system last season was bad. I'd give Bridgewater one more season before throwing him to the dogs.
  13. Well, after seeing him get lit up by Demetrius Taylor a few times, I'm not sure that he is the answer.
  14. That coincidentally is the reason it's awful. I've heard more and more use of the term "Club" and "Clubhouse", also reminiscent of European style Football. This adoption or desire to adopt everything European is odd considering this is America's Sport and we all know America's History, first as a confederate from Europe's influence and then as a protector. Ditch the club vibe, get back to football.
  15. When was Carson Wentz at his best? When Frank Reich was in Philly running the offense. When Frank Reich left, the output of the offense diminished and talent evaluation was terrible. Who traded for Wentz? Frank Reich. Tells you all you need to know about how coaching impacts player development.
  16. What's the point of "going on record"? All that's used for lately is to cancel anyone and everyone for anything that may have aggrieved another for any reason. We haven't heard from Watson yet, so I'd stand by the decision. I don't crucify people - ANYONE - prior to considering the story of all parties and the evidence presented by those alleging the grievance. Problem for DeSean is that absent video or text messages, he will never be able to prove he is innocent. You can't prove a negative and he will be painted with this whether it's true or not.
  17. What does that have to do with anything? If he didn't pay for services and that's what they are after, Lawyer decides to add grievances to their claims to increase the chances of settlement. Or perhaps they agreed to something beforehand that hasn't come to light. If they agreed to services of a sexual nature, and it's in writing, they stand to lose their license I'd imagine.
  18. It sounds like they are suing for unpaid debts for services rendered. Which means they aren't filing lawsuits for "sexual" issues but rather because he didn't pay. It's likely nothing inappropriate actually happened but they can make the claim since Watson can't prove it didn't happen in order to increase their odds of a settlement. You can't prove a negative. So Watson will never be cleared of this.
  19. Unless the dirt is something to tank his trade value to the point he won't be traded and running the risk of sitting voluntarily further damages your reputation to the point where you're losing out on your own value? So you can't be traded and have to play to repair your reputation? It's silly because Desean was crystal clear up until this desire to leave Houston became public. Once that happened, now this type of stuff comes up, and none of it seems like a coincidence. McNair has made comments about letting prisoners run the prison in the past, and if he truly feels that way it's exactly what Watson has been demanding. McNair stated he wouldn't let players run things in any way, despite assuring Desean he may have some input on the GM, and in returning to his true colors, not only did they not allow him to have input they left him in the dark completely. So I wouldn't put it past McNair to drag his most expensive "asset" through the mud.
  20. Would it be a total surprise that these women were referred to Watson by someone in the Texans organization? So that way, in the event where the Texans needed leverage, they simply let up the gate on the dump truck and let the dirt come tumbling out? Considering what McNair has said in the past, his age, and where and when he grew up, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. r
  21. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending who you are, numbers don't mean evidence. If they are all represented by the same attorney, and masseuse of Watson's could conceivably go to said attorney and he could make all their stories match. There is no physical evidence and very likely no circumstantial evidence. They are trying to prove their case through creation of a Modus Operandi which could be of the attorney's creation. It's easy enough to do this because you can't prove a negative; so unless Watson has video of these encounters, there is no way to prove that they DIDN'T happen. So claiming that they did happen is the damage and Watson gets screwed either way. This isn't my opinion on the matter, just stating that the number of accusations, specifically as they are made from the same attorney's office, should not be considered "evidence" on it's own. It also may be sexual harassment, as the events are described, but not sexual assault.
  22. Law of Averages says we won't hit rock bottom and will draft in the teens, even if we go with Teddy. We were 0-8 in games decided by one score or less. That is abysmal and rarely repeated in the NFL. You take a QB now. But I don't touch Lance with a 10 foot poll in the Top 15.
  23. And there lies the rub. What do we lose by getting Watson versus waiting for the draft? Plenty of contenders in recent years with QB's on rookie deals. The trick is finding that guy. With the way the Panthers are now, I'd almost say a push for Wilson would be more prudent considering we could give up quite a bit less. I also know the Panthers weren't a team he listed on his "No Trade Clause" waiver so who knows what would happen.
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