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Everything posted by hepcat

  1. You said he needs to work on his phrases. Cam has been using wonky phrases his whole life.
  2. Of all the things he’s said, that’s the one you want to use as an example? That one isn’t even bad. Hindsight is 50/50 though.
  3. If they didn’t keep Wilks after going .500 last season they definitely aren’t keeping this garbage staff
  4. He might be one of 5-6 players on the entire roster worth keeping next season.
  5. I think they just played a bad defense paired with Bryce finally making some throws
  6. I’m glad Bryce finally had a good game, I just keep wondering, why did it happen now? Ideal playing conditions against a bad pass defense? What clicked? Pressure off since the team is beyond buried this season?
  7. I’m glad he had a good game. Made it fun to watch again. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
  8. Bryce finally looked like an NFL QB against the worst pass defense in the NFL
  9. Haha that’s what I thought when I saw this headline. The guy comes off as a pompous ass in the public eye.
  10. Sell the tickets and take the whole family out to watch the game somewhere. For the price of getting food and drink in the stadium to watch a garbage football team lose another game you can take the entire family out to a nice meal and still watch them lose on TV and still probably have some money leftover.
  11. Xavier Worthy is going to be a good WR in the NFL. He needs to put on some weight but he's lightning quick. Be sure to watch him in the college football playoffs.
  12. He completely turned around Jared Goff's career I'll say that. Goff was an afterthought in that Stafford trade. Rams gave the Lions two first round picks and a third round pick for Stafford, in addition to Goff. Just highlights the fact the Panthers and Scott Fitterer are f*cking retarded for not trading Burns to the Rams for 2 first round picks. Worst GM in the NFL and still has a job somehow.
  13. Being accountable doesn't mean he's going to figure it out.
  14. Detroit Pistons fans were chanting "Sell the Team" last night after they lost 26 games straight.
  15. Good coaches are good coaches. I highly doubt there has never been a staff assembled where every single one of the coaches had worked together other before the season started
  16. There was a time the panthers were squeezing blood out of rocks for free agents and now it’s free agents squeezing blood out of the panthers and turning into rocks
  17. Tepper wanted to fire him in Pittsburgh, what makes yall think he will hire him here? We’re going to have a different head coach every year until one of them randomly has a good season out of sheer luck
  18. Congrats. Wish it was for a better reason than taking a picture of a pathetically empty stadium
  19. I agree, Bryce had the best drive of his career on Sunday and it should definitely be celebrated. We should tone down the rhetoric for a week. I don’t agree with the rest of your commentary regarding the psychology of the fans. The only difference in the game on Sunday is that the Falcons QB threw the game changing INT, and not the Panthers. In many games this season, it was Bryce throwing that crippling INT. People are still scarred from his awful performances this season. Gutsy game winning drive or not, statistically he is one of the worst QBs in the NFL not only this season, but of all time, especially relative to where he was drafted. So to your point let’s celebrate the win and his good drive but also not act like Bryce has completely turned it around and will be a good QB from here on out.
  20. I think the point I’m trying to make is “tickets sold” and “attendance” are two completely different things.
  21. I was against Harbaugh when the franchise had a semblance of competence but now? Why not! Harbaugh is a certified weirdo but he’s a winner. Turned around Alex Smith’s career and got the most out of Kaepernick at QB.
  22. At this point maybe Tepper should have a hot dog eating contest amongst the remaining coaches. The coach who eats the most hot dogs can be the interim head coach next game. There will be one extreme hot dog eating contest with a no double dogging rule for the full time head coaching job in the offseason.
  23. He already knows all these things. David Tepper is a time traveling genius, remember? He’s 5 million steps ahead. Forget 4D chess, playing rounds of Gukungo with Cyberplex robots from the year 5381. The Panthers being bad is part of a much larger plan to save the world from the incoming invasion of hyper intelligent machines from the way distant future where bones become money.
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