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Toker Smurf

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Everything posted by Toker Smurf

  1. I can agree with the logic but I can't root for us to lose.
  2. The entire segment is about the Panthers but the best part begins at about 6:05.
  3. I wonder if lack of confidence about Rhule's future will hurt bringing in top notch candidates.
  4. We've gotten those tacos. Not too shabby.
  5. Smoked turkey breast(bbq, creole, teriyaki) Mashed potatoes and gravy Green bean casserole 7 layer salad Cranberry sauce Sweet potato casserole Yeast rolls Macaroni and cheese Pumpkin pie Red velvet cake And my personal favorites... Corn pudding Sausage dressing And of course weed.
  6. No, that'd be Dan Campbell. I swear that guy is a slim jim away from going postal.
  7. Meh...he can say that about most stadiums, at this point.
  8. Yeah, I thought he looked pretty good. Unfortunately, this was one of the "easier" games left on the schedule. So, losing kind of took the wind out of our sails.
  9. Yep. I was mad about punting because the defense hadn't stopped them all day but if he changed his mind because the fans booed, he really should be fired immediately.
  10. Yep. I'm on board now. Can't adjust.
  11. What the hell is wrong with Dante? Getting embarrassed.
  12. Cool. I've never presoaked in vinegar. I'll have to try that. Thanks for the tip. Love the tang.
  13. Homemade pickles and coleslaw? My guy doing it right. I love coleslaw (and pickles) but unfortunately you can hardly find GOOD coleslaw, already made. Homemade is the way to go.
  14. I'm going to have to put that on the menu soon.
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