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Everything posted by toldozer

  1. How many people would have died trying to capture hippos and bring them here and breed them. Those mother fugers are mean
  2. Finally swimmable!!!! Only took 2 and a half months about 40 pounds of shock, floccing it 5 times and lots of vacuuming. Pool company had it close but had been close for about a month. I got it clear and ready to go in 5 days
  3. I have complete faith in the hornets to do the wrong thing. So whichever player is better I know we'll draft the other one. We would have taken Wiseman over Ball if both were available.
  4. I'm having a hard time shaking the feeling that Scoot and Lemelo could be a crazy special back court. Miller is giving me a bit of a kevin knox comparison. I thought he was going to be really good but he hasn't done much in the league. Miller seems to be the better fit but Scoot and Melo could make us contenders.
  5. It's so teams don't intentionally try to be bad. But usually it ends up making multiple teams try to be bad. Same deal with the play in crap. They want teams 9-12 to try to win as late in the season as possible. Case in point the spurs roster is absolute dog poo this year by design. They might have tried to form a competitive roster if only the very worst team had a shot at number 1
  6. Was coming here to make this thread. I think it speaks more to coaching then anything else. Look at the heats roster. It's fuging trash. Objectively it's worse than the hornets roster last year.
  7. Why? That's by far the worst thrower of the football that he said he would play with
  8. Really should have traded him to the rams. 2 top ten picks plus an early second would have been better then a huge contract. I'd also really like to see him produce in the 3-4 prior to a huge deal
  9. Stupid apple TV. Mls fuged up royally if they're trying to grow the sport. Local television access was key imo.
  10. I don't think I would qualify any of our tight ends from last year as very good receiving tight ends when they averaged .25 receptions a game
  11. Ummm I have two beer fridges. Step your game up big boze
  12. Of course he is being considered scoot isn't a slam dunk. I don't think we'd consider anyone else besides those two though. Maybe if someone offered a great package of solid vets and picks we'd consider trading but I think we should just make the pick and hope we nail it.
  13. I feel like either guy could work here. I'd rather go with the player that's 7 inches taller if it's close talent wise. Looking at these rosters of the last 4 teams left and playoffs in general no team has a fuging bench anymore. Melo, either rookie, bridges, Washington, Williams is a solid starting 5. The league seems to be entering a time of more parity because everyone's roster seems to be about 2 good players and a bunch of trash around them. I don't think there's a team with 3 legit stars. If we nail this pick we should be able to be very competitive realitively quickly.
  14. We're already back home. Just did the open top bus tour. That took most of the day and she could sleep easily while we road around
  15. That was the biggest bunch of horseshit I've ever seen. They were flopping all over the field the last 20 minutes and the donkey bought it several times
  16. What conversation? He's at best qb3. Don't really need a conversation until young and Dalton were to get hurt
  17. Cool, when can we talk about that long snapper that Fhule drafted. He deserves a shot too.
  18. DJ Moore will apparently never play with a qb that can throw the ball. Hasn't had a good one since high school and the trend will continue with Fields.
  19. Yeah probably needs to be Miller. Don't trade 2 to Houston to get a bunch of garbage. That's probably what we'll do though
  20. Based on every report I've ever heard/read. And why would he say it? To make himself not look like a self absorbed douche nozzle.
  21. I'm sure he also told his wife he didn't cheat on her also, or sexually assualt that girl. Every story at the time was he refused to play here. Let's stop pretending that he was an honest and upstanding guy.
  22. Yeah we traded him that's how that went.
  23. Should have prefaced that we have a 20 month old in tow
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