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Everything posted by PghPanther

  1. 3 reasons why they won't? 1) NFL knows Panthers have a weak TV ratings for playoffs........ 2) Brady and Officials....... 3) See #1 and #2 above and do the math............
  2. All aboard the playoff express!!!! Let's us hope that it doesn't end up looking like this in Tampa about 30 mins into the game.....
  3. Nothing brings ratings of sports fans outside of a teams fan base than to watch an underdog play for glory..... .....its ingrained in all humans to see something great that too often never happens in their own lives................... There is no bigger underdog in all the NFL right now with a chance to make the playoffs than this black cat team........... The game between the Panthers and Bucs is the most interesting game this weekend in part because of that.......
  4. Do you want to know........really want to know? You can't...................the answer to everything about this team...this year is. I don't know......... 21 yards on the ground against the Steelers...........and then the Lions game??? spin the roulette wheel.............the Panthers are an enigma.
  5. is this heaven??? no ........its Iowa..........
  6. If you make the playoffs with a losing record..........would you call that a winning season? The possibility of that situation makes every decision in this organization an oxymoron.
  7. To get their heads bashed in against the Steelers and then turnaround and do that to the Lions...........you just don't know what team you end up with week to week with this outfit. That's not a model for success...........
  8. I've met Franco many times over the years......usually in a gym working out along with many other Steelers.......he was a class act. His immaculate reception catch in that event along with the Pirate's Bill Mazerowski's bottom of the 9th walk off home run to win the 1960 world series have defined the sports culture of Pgh over the past 75 years..... Franco's moment of the immaculate reception in his rookie season that changed everything is immortalized when you land at the Pgh Airport and this statue greets you along with a statue on his right of George Washington. That’s some heady respect but understood by the people of Pgh during that time. See Pgh was a town suffering from the loss of the steel industry and its economy, and the Steelers were the failures of the NFL for over 30 years. But in a moment it all seemed to change……..never has one play defined a sports franchise and the hope of its city as that play did on that cold December in 1972. A girl friend of mine many moons ago was at that game when Franco's catch changed the fate of the Steelers. Her father took her (they had three daughters in the family and she was the oldest). She was in high school at the time and remembers the moment well because everyone stood up cheering on what looked to be a touchdown but it was so confusing and soon with her being short (5ft) she couldn't see much over everyone else standing and then a guy behind her dumped all his beer and it went down her back in what was freezing cold weather.......... .......when we started dating in the mid 70s a few years after that game she recalled that moment to me......telling me she can still smell the stench of old beer on clothes because of that game. On that day I was in my bed room listening to the game on a small transistor radio...........it was blacked out in Pgh because believe it or not the game wasn't a sellout within 48 hours before air time and we couldn't get any station far enough outside of the Pgh area to get the TV signal so I listen to it on the radio.........when it came down to that last play on 4th down with 22 secs left with no timeouts left, I figured it was hopeless and turned off the radio and drove to the business district of the borough I lived in to get a pizza to drown my sorrows in comfort food...........it was a short 2 min drive and when I got there everyone was outside like it was a New Year’s celebration jumping up and down.............I pulled over at a stop light rolled my window down and asked what happened?.................. I was told "we won we won!!.......Franco snatched the ball out of the air and scored a touchdown!!!".............I hadn't a clue what happened until I got in the pizza shop, and everyone explained it to me, then had to watch the news later that evening to see what I missed when I turned off the radio................ ..........apparently, I shared that same fate of both confusion and wonder of that moment with Steeler owner Art Rooney Sr. who on that final play never saw or heard what happened as it unfolded. He decided to leave his box just before that play and head down the elevator to the locker room and congratulate the team on a good season that just fell short only to find when he got out of the elevator the hallways were washed in celebration of which he had to ask what kind of miracle could have occurred to change that moment......... Soon after that the Steeler went on to win 4 SBs in 6 years.................. I wish every sports fan could have such an experience that happened on that December day in 1972 where the greatness of such a moment as the immaculate reception is exceeded by the wonder of of it and the legend who never stopped people wondering as he ran to 4 SB wins and into the NFL Hall of Fame.........RIP Franco........
  9. RIP Legend.........................
  10. Panthers squeeze into the playoffs and eliminate Dallas....LOL..
  11. Every time they showed that Ben MaCa-poo in the box calling plays I threw up in my mouth a bit while losing a few more IQ points.............
  12. The only thing Black and Blue in that stadium is the Panthers record.............and it will remain that way until they learn that winning will color the stadium as they want it.
  13. NFL should change the playoff rules............ If you win your division with a losing record you should be replaced with the best record of a wild card prospect that hasn't made it in the playoffs because of your division win.
  14. Multiple Steve Smith........ hmm..........I didn't know that was his real first name.
  15. ......and if you tap the screen right here............her dress falls off.
  16. and the landing is ...................... on the couch. CU later grocery bagger
  17. One gets the idea from history that the world doesn't revolve until Tepper wakes up in the morning............. ........its one big Ego here folks. He was slighted on a wall street investment banking powerhouse once in a promotion and eventually when he got to the top he bought the multimillion dollar vacation home of the person who initially slighted him and then proceeded to have it leveled and then had another house built on that same plot twice the size of it... ...and if that doesn't reveal who you are dealing with you are blinded by his ownership of "your team".
  18. This is a funny thread........... You know..........funny........... Well I mean how it reads ...........its funny................. I dunno its just funny............it reads funny.......it is really a funny reading thread.....
  19. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.....................historically the Panthers haven't been very good at that.
  20. This team as the ability to stumble and trip over their own two feet right into the playoffs with a losing record............maybe the NFL effort for parity in competition is working too well these days.
  21. Nope..........for all the raving about him as a QB his skill sets seem to be greatly compromised when the pressure is put on him and that's at the college level. I just could imagine the difficultly he would have adjusting to the speed of pressure at an NFL level.................he's a pass in my book, time to look at others. Good Greif even that Michigan backup looked better than him in that recent Ohio State/ U of Michigan game.
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