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Everything posted by OneBadCat

  1. We should have kept the ball on the ground. The offense was moving. No need to make that throw.
  2. Why didn’t Sam fall on the ball? Selfish teammate.
  3. The best defense is to keep the ball out of Brady’s hands . Bad call.
  4. I wouldn’t mind bringing Smitty back just to pile on his stats. Doubt he’s in playing shape though. He’d also eat Sam Darnold alive.
  5. I’m thinking they’re looking to play Norman in the redzone where he doesn’t have to cover a ton of ground.
  6. Unless we just absolutely steam roll them we will 100% get cheated out of this game. Expect timely PI’s and roughing the passer calls.
  7. I don’t see the harm. Horn may not play and Norman is a smart player. He could be effective in certain situations. This is the biggest game of the season. Need all the help we can get .
  8. Sam’s gonna have to start dealing if we want to win this game.
  9. If that ain’t the fuging truth.
  10. I’m not a fan of Sam. But if the running game is stifled then there is no point running ineffective PA’s like we were yesterday. Or the multiple first down runs in the redzone that got us nowhere. In these situations we need to play him with no fear and see if he can sling it. If we aren’t going to play confident football and evaluate his growth then we might as well play PJ. We are a more dangerous offense with him.
  11. That's what I mean though. He's gonna have to do that if we're going to get anywhere.
  12. A team finally stopped the run and we were forced to pass. Darnold was having a good day and they still tried to force the run and shelter him. If we want to win out then we have to believe that Darnold can take over a game throwing the ball.
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