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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. We're not trolling you. We've tried to discuss that there's things at play other than just pay LJ that are involved other than just pay him whatever you feel he's worth and hand over a bunch of draft picks. You don't want to hear any of it.
  2. It wasn't a shot at Cam. He did everything he could. Hurney and Rivera were the majority of the reason we ended up where we did. Gman too.
  3. QB play holds most teams back. We were losers with Cam. 3 winning seasons in 9 years. Coaches and Hurney held this team back for a lot longer than Tepper has been owner. He put his faith in the wrong guy with Rhule. Hurney is the perfect example of how not to build a team around your franchise QB. Hopefully he has learned and the braintrust in our coach's room and FO can put together getting us a franchise QB and still be able to build around him.
  4. But if he had hired an agent, would he be going after that contract now, or would it have already been in place? With an MVP season under his belt, I don't think an agent lets him walk into year 4 without a shiny new extension in place. His first real contract wasn't coming up, it's already 2 years past.
  5. He's always had the choice to play professional football. Part of choosing a career is knowing the freedoms and limitations of that choice. He could chose to play within the confines of a NFL contract or try and negotiate a better one. It's always been his choice.
  6. Rhule wanted T2G, Darnold and Mayfield. PJ was here because of his connection to him. I don't care about being called losers for not going after Lamar yet if at ever. It's funny the media isn't calling him out on never hiring an agent and helping put himself in the position he's in. But then again, that doesn't make for a good victim story that gets lots of clicks.
  7. I guess it all depends on if he sat out for contract reasons or if he was legitimately worried about not being completely healed. Only he knows that. I think part of why it doesn't look good for him though is you have guys like Purdy who's arm was hanging by a thread, and he played. A career is a career. I'm sure Purdy's is just as valuable to him as Lamar's. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but appearances can do a boatload of damage whether true or not. I really hopes he wises up and hires an agent soon, for no other reason than to navigate everything outside of the contract talks.
  8. I get what you're saying and I agree except he not thinking of it like owners do. Unless your mom is used to negotiating quarter billion dollar deals, get a pro. Unless you're familiar with navigating NFL contracts, get a pro. NFL owners and GMs are no different than any other business owner. They're trying to negotiate deals to their advantage and it's up to the other guy to protect his best interest. They spend millions on specialists to do this for a reason. Lamar should have too.
  9. But part of the reason he hasn't been paid is he never hired an agent from day 1. After year 3, an agent would have already been negotiating an extension with a significant pay increase. You can't expect others to feel sorry for you when all you've done is shoot yourself in the foot the entire time. He's lost more money than he's saved trying to do it all without a professional. Know your limitations.
  10. That's been my thought as well regarding coaching. Rhule and his staff weren't qualified to really help him develop. If he comes back here, maybe the coaching staff can help him with his processing and development. If not, oh well, nothing lost.
  11. Could potentially be a new model in team building. Build a very talented receiving core, TE and solid RB. Insert FA QB or trade for one and make a run. By the time the QB cap hits, that window is likely closed anyway.
  12. Just my opinion, but I think the reason we got fleeced on the Darnold trade was Rhule had already played his hand with T2G. We were desperate and everyone knew it. Even being the only interested party, when you have no where else to turn, you're going to get stuck paying more than you want to. No one could seriously think we were headed into that season with PJ Walker as our starting QB. Was never going to happen.
  13. As long as we've done our homework on whoever we get, I really don't care. It's the first time I've ever felt like we have people in the building capable of actually doing a thorough evaluation.
  14. I tried guessing weight. Laughing before they step on the scale isn't really a good thing.
  15. I don't have an issue as a backup. He's about Derek Anderson level to me. As a starter, oy!
  16. I could have laughed until I puked if I saw that. But I probably would have skipped the laughing part.
  17. Maybe he should be asking why the NFL allowed an up and coming superstar to be the target of multiple uncalled head shots and why he wasn't old enough to get the call.
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