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Everything posted by Kuhndog94

  1. 3 interceptions and a blocked punt are inexcusable, you're right. An interception, a fumble, a safety and a blocked punt all in one game is dominance. Oh no, the ball slipped out of the endzone. The defense got a safety instead of a touchdown. Let's blame the defense. If you're relying on your defense to score the points, then you're coaching wrong.
  2. Sure wish Sam and the offense played for even 2 quarters.
  3. "When we have the lead in the 4th quarter we should never lose" Meanwhile: Sam throws multiple interceptions on our side of the field
  4. Playing conservative and punting at midfield before the half was some Rivera poo. The defense had shut the Eagles down up to that point.
  5. Great idea, Rhule. Deflect the blame from your poo QB and shift it to your defense that dominated most of the game. I'm sure they feel great about constantly having to carry the offense through games.
  6. I didn't specifically mean you when I mentioned the Cam hate. You're right that Cam Newton's and Pat Mahomes' offensive line got them killed in the Superbowl. They played elite defenses. Elite defensive play counters elite QB play. Especially when their offensive line is garbage. Sam isn't playing elite defenses. He is playing defenses that have allowed 300 yards a game passing, iirc. If you look at the rest of the 2015 season, Cam went 15-1 and lead the best offense in the league that year with a questionable oline and literally no talent around him. He was MVP that year. He elevated that offense to the #1 position just by being there. Cam threw for 35 TDs (rushed for another 10) that year with only 10 INTs. He won MVP that year despite the bad offensive line. To be fair, I'd argue this offensive line is worse. If you look at last season, despite having a terrible offensive line, Mahomes' record was 14-1 and he threw 38 TDs to 6 INTs. Mahomes elevated that offense to 6th in scoring and 1st in yards last year. Despite terrible oline play. This year, Sam has thrown 6 TDs and 6 INTs. Now these losses obviously aren't all on Sam. This offensive line and Joe Brady certainly share some blame. But the offensive line nor Joe Brady forces those throws. Sam does. Good QBs don't do that. These aren't contested interceptions. These are bad. They are right to the defender. It's almost like he literally doesn't see them. That's the difference. Elite QBs can overcome bad offensive line play as evidenced by the years Cam and Mahomes had, but of course they will struggle against elite, championship defenses. Sam isn't facing those.
  7. The Cam hate here is unreal. Elite QBs don't throw the ball straight to the defender multiple times a game. It's been happening all year but now we are playing defenses that will capitalize on it. Sam couldn't hold Cams jock strap.
  8. You guys take this whole football thing to heart, don't you? You're clearly triggered, yet you talk about safe spaces. Lol... Gotta love the huddle. Sorry I criticized your favorite team, lil buddy. But the fact of the matter is Sam has no vision and the offensive line is bad.
  9. I never claimed any of that. But you're a Rhule stan and you poo anyone who has even the slightest negative critique. So I don't really expect you to argue in good faith. Congratulations on your condescending post.
  10. You're trying too hard bro. Not sure if you're drunk or what... but you're being pedantic and confrontational for literally no reason. I'm gonna let ya cool down, little buddy. It's just a game, man. You win some and you lose some. Defense was gassed from carrying the offense all day. Have a good day.
  11. You really clinging on to that, huh. Stop drinking if you can't hold your tears and frustrations back
  12. You ever play? Do you know how mentally draining it is to constantly have to carry your offense through games? To force turnovers just for your offense to give it right back? Like its not that hard, bruh. Now stop being pedantic because you're butthurt we lost. Literally no reason for it.
  13. Defense was gassed. From consistently forcing turnovers and 3 and outs just for the offense to come out and turn the ball over or stall out even with the good field possession. All of that wears down a defense. You can only expect the defense to stop them so many times. The defense did their job today. This is squarely on Sam and the offense.
  14. No overreactions here. The offensive line is terrible and Sam makes very poor decisions. The dude has no vision. He has been throwing into coverage all year but the difference is we are now playing teams whose secondary's will punish those forced throws. We went all in on the defense this year in win now mode but the problem is our offense isn't there. Robby is MIA most of the time and Sam makes terrible, terrible decisions. The offensive line is non-existent. The defense gets gassed from repeatedly stopping the opposing offense. No overreactions. It is what it is. We aren't ready this year. Once we invest in an actual QB and an Offensive line, we'll be playoff ready.
  15. Before or after you picked the ball?
  16. All those besides maybe Fields wins this game for us today. Not that it matters. Only ones that are relevant are Fields and Watson.
  17. Jury isn't out on Darnold. He has no vision. He's been forcing throws all year. We've just finally played 2 secondaries that will punish those throws.
  18. We should trade him and his terrible contract for one of those all-pro olinemen that grow on trees. Heard its pretty easy
  19. if we trade for another CB
  20. Sam is starting to see ghosts with this terrible oline
  21. I miss him too. With that dreamy smile. That damned smile.
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