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Everything posted by jasonluckydog

  1. If it's true I would punish him and trade him to the Panthers.
  2. Reno911 season 6 is one of the best series in television history.
  3. It's crazy, I was predicting this mess before the preseason and all I got was poo on. I believe that one of my threads had over 40 poo emojis. Now, I'm getting pie for posting the same poo that I posted back then. You assholes owe me an apology. Lol. I hate being right and would love to eat crow.
  4. Talking about bad football, last nights game was horrendous. The penalties sucked all the entertainment away along with poor play from the Giants. I turned the game off a couple of times and came back and watched part of the 3rd quarter before I bailed. The NFL sucks.
  5. I know if we kept Freeman we wouldn't have gone for Olson but could you imagine this batting line? Acuna, Albies, Olson, Freeman, Riley, Ozuna, Harris, Murphy and Rosario. Opposing pitchers would have nightmares.
  6. I doubt we win. If their offense gets hot we can't counter that. We are not a team that can come from behind. Heck, we can rarely score a single TD.
  7. More Than 50% Of First Round Picks Are Busts And Other Terrifying Draft Statistics. A couple of years ago, I wrote about how difficult it was to actually hit on draft picks – at the time the hit rate I came up with was 53% for first rounders.
  8. We aren't the first nor will be the last team that drafted a bust with the 1st overall pick.
  9. If we want to win this season TOP is important but you need a QB that will inspire the team and it's not Young.
  10. This trade will make Jamarcus Russell fans happy. He will finally be off the hook.
  11. Well Bryce did have a better game than Burrow today.
  12. I should cry I passed up overtime today to watch this poo show
  13. I'm out rewatching the Boys season 1 for the third time.
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